Street sweeping schedules are in effect. Ticketing enforcement will resume on Monday, August 10th. Enforcement will not include towing vehicles until further notice during the COVID-19 pandemic. With moving season here, many streets will have temporary parking permits posted over the next few weeks. Avoid getting parking tickets for street sweeping and temporary parking permit Read More…
Tag: Moving
North End’s Lasting Impression
Like many others in Boston, I made this year’s September 1st move. My new apartment is an oversized studio overlooking the Commonwealth Avenue Mall, across the street from the Public Garden—an enviable location to some. Top floor views, elevator building, dog-friendly; it checks off a lot of boxes for many struggling renters. But, for me, Read More…
Reader Poll: How Did Move Weekend 2019 Go for You?
September 1 fell on the Sunday of Labor Day this year which meant the large majority of people starting and ending leases September 1st all moved over the same 72-hour period. This was good for people moving who didn’t have to take a vacation day to lug all their belongings through the city, and good Read More…
Reader Poll: How Did the September 1st Apartment Flip Go This Year?
Congratulations everyone! Whether you’re new to the neighborhood or are a lifelong resident, you survived Boston move week in the North End. Tens of thousands of college students returned to the city and many residents packed up their belongings and moved to a new September 1st lease. How did it go? Did your car get Read More…
Tips and Tricks for Surviving Boston Move Week in the North End / Waterfront
September 1 is fast approaching and with it, the flip of 75% of Boston’s rental leases. Combine this with tens of thousands of college students returning to the city for the new school year, and you’ve got moving chaos. Don’t fret! Whether you’re moving in or out of the neighborhood, or are a continuing resident Read More…
Neighborhood Photo: Moving Week Mannequin
One Salem Street resident began the moving process by making sure the bottom half of their mannequin made it safe and sound. While much of the North End was caught up in the merriment and festivities of the latest feast, others were preparing for a much less merry task – Boston move week. 75% of Read More…
A Generous Heart and A Generous Smile
I cannot even imagine what it was like when 44,000 people lived in the North End, more than four times our current population. We always come a little closer to that experience on September 1st. An endless parade of people winding up and along stairs and streets with boxes held high like the frantic activity within Read More…
September’s Annual Move In Weekend Brings Trash Mountains and Street Ballet
The annual move-in street trash piles started September 1st in their typical mountain style. The first trash pickup helped, but it took more cycles by Boston Public Works before things started looking up later in the day. By the end of the day Friday, most of the North End streets looked to be in decent Read More…
Moving To / From the North End? Here Are Some Tips to Navigating the September Flip!
If you’ve lived in Boston for more than a year, you know the deal — September 1 means flipping of 75% of city leases and thousands of college students returning to the area. This means lots of energy and excitement, accompanied by lots of traffic and trash. If you’re moving to / from the North Read More…
Neighborhood Photo: Welcome to September in the North End
It’s September 1st, move in day and when the City estimates 70% of new leases turn over. Rentals in the North End continue to be a hot spot and this Salutation Street scene is an annual ritual. (Photo by Conor Finley). “Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on Email your best photos to Read More…
Neighborhood Photo: It’s THAT Time of Year Again
A reader shares: This was this morning on Salem Street near where the tailors used to be. It’s that time of year again when people are moving in and out and they leave their garbage everywhere. Now the neighborhood is going to be dealing with this mess until Labor Day with all the move in Read More…
Watch Out Below: Mattress Box Spring Coming Down From Roof on Prince Street
North Enders have seen it all, but this might be a new one. Here is a man throwing out his mattress box spring via the rooftop at 109 Prince Street. It’s not clear whether he just let it go or if it was lowered by a rope. Photo by Domenic Piso.