Arts & Culture

Fortune Teller Appears Before NEWRA’s ZLC Committee

Sophia Anderson, presented this week to NEWRA’s ZLC (Zoning, Licensing & Construction) committee, to provide information on her Fortune Teller application in advance of a NEWRA vote on August 13th. Ms. Anderson is proposing to open a business on the second floor of 216 Hanover Street, above Dolce Vita. Hours of operation will be from Read More…

Real Estate

Yacht Haven Auction Set For August 14

Boston Yacht Haven, the marina property on Commercial Wharf, is set to go to auction on August 14th. The last auction date in April was postponed because of an ongoing dispute between the owner, lenders and abutters. Through the subsequent bankruptcy filing , owner Yovette Mumford lost control to Northern Bank & Trust that owns Read More…

Food & Drink Real Estate

Nick’s Famous Deli Applies for Victualler License

Under the name of NVFD Corporation, d.b.a “Famous Deli”, Nick Varano has applied for a common victualler license for 66 Cross Street for food and non-alcoholic beverage service. This site is one of the spaces formerly occupied by Martignetti’s. Varano also owns Strega and Nico restaurants on Hanover Street. The application to serve food is Read More…

Community Event Notices Health & Environment

What is the Quid Pro Quo Between Developer Chiofaro & the Greenway Conservancy?

The expanding relationship between developer Donald Chiofaro and the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy has created the perception of a quid pro quo between the two organizations. First, the Conservancy gets posh office space for its headquarters in Chiofaro’s International Place either for free or at a deeply discounted cost. Then in mid-July, the Conservancy Read More…

Arts & Culture

North End Images on Display at BHCC

Courtesy of the Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery: These photographic images of Boston’s North End come from former N.E. and current Revere resident Valerie Garofalo Jackiewicz currently on view in “The ART from ALUM” exhibit at the Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery through Aug. 15th. *Valerie Garofalo Jackiewicz at the recent Artists’ Reception Read More…

Arts & Culture

“Anthony!!” – 40 Years Ago in the North End

It was 40 years ago in the summer of 1969 … a very memorable time: Apollo 11 Moon Landing (link to video report by Walter Cronkite) Woodstock (link to ABC News video of reminiscing) Brian Adams – Summer of 1969 (not actually “from” 1969 … nonetheless, a link to music video) But it was also Read More…

Police & Fire

Weekly Police Log – July 24, 2009

Selected entries from this week’s Boston Police journal log: Vandalism 07/17/09 7:00pm-10:30am Victim reports 1997 Honda Accord was parked on Prince st. and had the pass. side door lock broken. Larceny ( bike ) 07/18/09 8:00pm- 10:00am Victim reports his 18 spd. Columbia bike (white) was locked to a pole on Charter St. and an unk. Read More…

Event Notices

New Website for North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC)

The North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council, NEWNC, has rolled out its new website at: There is also an email sign-up on the website for the distribution of agendas and announcements. The link is on the upper right of the main page or you can get there via NEWNC does not have an August meeting, Read More…

Police & Fire

Police Informational Tool – Crime Reports

Sgt Tom Lema and the Information Systems Group at the Boston Police distributed an informative guide for using Crime Reports, the neighborhood crime trend system. Crime Reports uses data from the Boston Police (uploaded nightly) and overlays it on a Google map. Click here to see the slides for how Crime Reports works (pdf). I Read More…

Community Real Estate

BRA to Chiofaro’s Harbor Garage Plan, “Hold On, Fella!”

The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) issued a 60-page “scoping determination” (click here to open pdf) that will significantly delay developer Chiofaro’s plans to redevelop the Harbor Garage near the Aquarium. This document comes a few days after the State’s environmental agency issued is strong opposition to the current proposal (see previous posts here). The BRA’s Read More…

Arts & Culture Event Notices

North End Book Launch Event Wed., July 22nd at Old North Church

Alex Goldfeld will launch his new book about the North End this week at the Old North Church on Wednesday, July 22 at 6:30 pm. The book is titled, North End: A Brief History of Boston’s Oldest Neighborhood. The author will share a few stories from his history of the North End followed by Q&A Read More…

Community Health & Environment Real Estate

State Environmental Secretary Opposes Chiofaro’s Harbor Garage Redevelopment

In a strongly worded decision letter, Secretary Ian Bowles of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, has ruled against Don Chiofaro’s tower proposal for the current site occupied by the Harbor Garage by the Aquarium. Click here to read the 20 page decision letter (pdf). The Boston Globe summarizes the State agency’s Read More…