Michael Bonetti has embraced the Feast of Saint Anthony with his heart and soul since he was old enough to walk. His love for Saint Anthony was expressed in the blizzard of confetti that cascaded from his home on Hull Street on Sunday afternoon. With his relentless charm, he enlisted the assistance of both family Read More…
Author: Dr. Joseph Mendola
Photo: Greenway Face Projection
Catching a projection on the Greenway’s “The Meeting House“. (Photo by Dr. Joe Mendola). “Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on NorthEndWaterfront.com. Submit your best photos using our Submit a Post form or tag @northend.waterfront on Instagram. Please include a caption or story telling us about your photo. See past neighborhood photo posts.
A Generous Heart and A Generous Smile
I cannot even imagine what it was like when 44,000 people lived in the North End, more than four times our current population. We always come a little closer to that experience on September 1st. An endless parade of people winding up and along stairs and streets with boxes held high like the frantic activity within Read More…
Scenes from Saturday’s Protests
The “free speech” rally on Boston Common was quickly drowned out by the thousands of protestors that denounced racism. Rally attendees were escorted out in Boston Police wagons while protestors chanted. Police arrested those who interfered with the escort. (Photos and video by Dr. Joe Mendola)
Not So Flushing City Toilet at Langone Park
This particular City Toilet, at the North End’s Langone Park athletic fields / bocce courts on Commercial Street, has not been operational for over two years. It’s shameful, to say the least, that both this community as well as its many visitors are treated so poorly. I think a modest community organization effort is in Read More…