Event Notices

Waterfront Development Focus at First State Senate Candidates Forum [Video]

Waterfront development, specifically the proposed Lewis Wharf hotel project, was the focus of questions at the first State Senate Candidates Forum. Over 100 residents packed the Pilot House on the North End waterfront to attend the forum, held Thursday night, March 3rd. Candidates are vying to fill the First Suffolk and Middlesex district seat left open Read More…

Community Real Estate

Lewis Wharf Update on Proposed Hotel Development at Residents’ Association Meeting [Video]

Video: Lewis Wharf, discussion of proposed hotel development at NEWRA – December 10, 2015 North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) provided an update on the status of the public process around the proposed Lewis Wharf hotel project. Presenting for the NEWRA Executive Committee was Jennifer Crampton, Impact Advisory Group member on the LW project Read More…

Government Real Estate

State Regulator Weighs In On Lewis Wharf Hotel Proposal

The Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs issued a 24-page certificate regarding the Environmental Notification Form (ENF) filed by JW Capital Partners LLC, the developer proposing the hotel project at Lewis Wharf. The EEA has outlined a scope of information that is now required to be submitted by the proponent in a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). [View previous Read More…

Health & Environment Real Estate

Lewis Wharf Proposal Falls Short on Climate Change, Say Environmental Groups

Two expert organizations on climate change and sea level rise have raised concerns regarding the proposed Lewis Wharf hotel project. The Boston Harbor Association (TBHA) and the Conservation Law Foundation believe the project would set a poor precedent for climate change preparedness on Boston’s waterfront. The hotel buildings could be vulnerable to damage from extreme storms, according to Read More…

Real Estate

Lewis Wharf Proposal Update from Boston Redevelopment Authority

Project Manager Chris Tracy of the Boston Redevelopment Authority emailed a status update now that the public comment period has ended on the Lewis Wharf hotel project proposal. The BRA is looking to issue a Scoping Determination and is requesting more information from the developer through a Draft Project Impact Report. The BRA statement on the Read More…

Community Government

Three of Four At-Large Councilors Oppose Lewis Wharf Hotel Project

Three of the four At-Large City Councilors have written letters to the Boston Redevelopment Authority opposing the proposed Lewis Wharf hotel development. Michelle Wu, Ayanna Pressley and Stephen Murphy have come out against the project by proponents JW Capital Partners and Moriarty & Associates. (See letters below.) The office of City Councilor At-Large Michael Flaherty has Read More…

Photos & Videos Real Estate

Passionate Commenters Speak at Lewis Wharf Public Forum [Video]

Video timeline for Lewis Wharf public forum held October 7th public forum: (00:00 Introduction by BRA, 06:00 Developer Presentation, 28:30 Public Comments) Emotions ran high at one of the largest public forums ever seen in the North End on October 7th for the proposed Lewis Wharf project. It was standing room only in the massive gymnasium at Read More…

Photos & Videos Real Estate

Lewis Wharf Project Video Highlights Waterfront Access

The development team for the Lewis Wharf project have released a video highlighting the features of the proposal along with resident and business owner segments supporting the plan. From the proponent: The Lewis Wharf project presents an exceptional opportunity to revitalize Lewis Wharf by replacing a surface parking lot, which has restricted access to the Read More…

Government Real Estate

Elected Officials Michlewitz, LaMattina & Petrucelli Take Stand Against Lewis Wharf Hotel Project

All three of the local elected officials representing the North End / Waterfront came out strongly today against the proposed Lewis Wharf hotel development project by JW Capital Partners, LLC. State Representative Aaron Michlewitz, State Senator Anthony Petruccelli and Boston City Councilor Salvatore LaMattina issued the following letter to the Boston Redevelopment Authority saying the proponent has Read More…

Community Real Estate

Lewis Wharf Condo Board Questions Hotel Developer’s “As Of Right” Claims

Legal counsel for the Lewis Wharf Condominium Board has sent a letter to the Boston Redevelopment Authority requesting that “as of right” statements by the developer be clarified at public meetings regarding the proposed hotel complex. The specific statements being objected to include assertions by the developer, JW Capital Partners, and its team that their proposal is entitled to approval Read More…

Real Estate

Traffic Issues Carry the First Official Meeting on Lewis Wharf Hotel Proposal [Video]

A rainy night could not stop residents from packing the Nazzaro Center to attend the first official Impact Advisory Group meeting under the BRA Article 80 Large Project review for the Lewis Wharf Hotel proposal by JW Capital Partners. Above: Enjoy video coverage of the entire September 30th meeting. Key topics and concerns discussed by IAG Members: Much of the discussion was dedicated Read More…

Event Notices

Lewis Wharf IAG Meeting on Wednesday, September 30th

On Wednesday September 30th @ 7:00pm the proponent will present to the IAG for the first time under their formal Article 80 review. The public may come and participate if any time is leftover, but IAG members will have preference to speak. There is an Elliot School abutters meeting from 6 to 7pm this night Read More…