Real Estate

Lewis Wharf Hotel Project Starts the Clock With Formal Document Filing

Before a proposal was even filed, plenty of ink was spilled regarding the “fight” over Lewis Wharf and the proposed hotel project by JW Capital Partners and contractor John Moriarty & Associates. Now, there is actually something to talk about with the formal submittal of a Project Notification Form (large PDF). The document kicks off the formal review by the Boston Read More…

Community Government Real Estate

Mayor Walsh Fundraiser Brings Out Residents Concerned With Lewis Wharf Hotel Project

Mayor Martin J. Walsh spent some time on the North End waterfront Wednesday night speaking to neighborhood residents at a fundraiser hosted by John and Catherine McDonnell. Many in the crowd spoke to the Mayor about their concerns with the proposed Lewis Wharf Hotel project. In his remarks, Walsh was noncommittal about the development other than saying Read More…

Real Estate

Heavy Opposition to Lewis Wharf Hotel Proposal at Second IAG Meeting [Video]

The North Bennet Street School was standing room only at the September 10th Lewis Wharf Hotel IAG Meeting. Starting promptly at 6:30pm, JW Capital Partners went through their proposal for the Lewis Wharf Hotel project in front of the appointed Impact Advisory Group (IAG).  Hosted by the Boston Redevelopment Authority, the meeting consisted of a presentation from JW Capital Partners that went through renderings of Read More…

Event Notices Real Estate

Save The North End Waterfront Group to “Raise Issues” at Lewis Wharf Hotel Meeting

Save Our North End Waterfront, the group opposed to the Lewis Wharf Hotel proposal, has issued the following press release saying they intend to “raise significant issues” at this week’s Impact Advisory Group meeting hosted by the Boston Redevelopment Authority on September 10th, 6:30pm at 150 North Street. There is also a North End / Waterfront Read More…

Real Estate

Video: Impact Advisory Group Meets for First Time on Lewis Wharf Hotel Project

The proposed Lewis Wharf Hotel project by JW Capital Partners continues to garner tremendous community interest, as shown on Wednesday night at the first Impact Advisory Group meeting hosted by the Boston Redevelopment Authority at the Nazzaro Community Center in Boston’s North End. Plans include two new 5-story hotel buildings connected by a glass lobby Read More…

Community Real Estate

“Save Our North End Waterfront” Volunteers Sign Up for Lewis Wharf Hotel Opposition

News from the July 29th meeting of “Save Our North End Waterfront” at the Pilot House: Over one hundred North End Waterfront residents gathered at the Pilot House to voice their opposition to and organize against the proposed Lewis Wharf Hotel development. “Save Our North End Waterfront,” a community opposition group, organized the meeting as an important Read More…

Real Estate

Lewis Wharf Developer Launches New Plan for Two Building Hotel, Sailing Center & Waterfront Park

Developer JW Capital Partners has filed a letter of intent for a new 300-room hotel project at Lewis Wharf on Boston’s North End waterfront. The proposal would include two new hotel buildings connected by a glass lobby along with a 54,000 square-foot publicly accessible park replacing the surface parking lot on Atlantic Avenue. Plans include a new Read More…