The North Bennet Street School was standing room only at the September 10th Lewis Wharf Hotel IAG Meeting. Starting promptly at 6:30pm, JW Capital Partners went through their proposal for the Lewis Wharf Hotel project in front of the appointed Impact Advisory Group (IAG).
Hosted by the Boston Redevelopment Authority, the meeting consisted of a presentation from JW Capital Partners that went through renderings of the proposal, the traffic impact to Atlantic Avenue, open public space, landscaping, and more. Hearing comments and questions from the IAG members, the floor was then open to the public.
While several IAG members committed to keeping an open mind on the project, many IAG members expressed their discomfort and harsh opposition to the project. Abutters to the proposal, organized as “Save Our North End Waterfront” carried a heavy presence showing their commitment to lobbying against the hotel project. In addition to picketing outside, they packed the room and were adamant of their intentions to oppose the project.

The project renderings can be viewed at Christopher Tracy is the BRA Project Manager for the Lewis Wharf Hotel and can be reached at 617-918-4259 or with questions or comments.
View the complete IAG meeting presentation and discussion from the September 10th meeting in the embedded video at the top of this post. Next, the proponent is expected to file a Project Notification Form that will kickoff a formal review and comment period by the BRA, whose board will vote on the project.
What about a city owned marina…like others cities have?? We have a great waterfront but not too many places to tie up via boat…
Susan, God forbid they should go along with your suggestion, it sounds too good. The name of the
game is MONEY & the Hotel Proposal will bring in more money & they don’t care whose toes they
step on along the way. I hope these people start protesting out City Hall. The City is too greedy &
getting more greedy by the minute. Wait until the snow comes & they start crying poverty. The
snow removal is basically where the restaurants are & the rest of us can die. This is New England,
not Miami Beach. The City should have the most advanced Snow Removal ever invented. Pick up
the snow put it in trucks that melt it & dispose of it in our sewers. If you look at the Seaport area they
don’t deal with the Snow that the No. End & Waterfront deal with. It is picked up. The City Officials
get annoyed when you reach out to them & complain, they don’t want to hear it. Too Bad, they
shouldn’t be working for the City. Again you will hear this, a restaurant on Prince St. was handicap
assessable, not anymore and when it was brought to their attention, they out and out lied.
Corruption in the City and State are on the rise and has been for a very long time.
Joan of Arc: Do you attend the meetings?
I usually go to all the meetings, but due to Medical Problems have not be able to go. What about you? Do you attend?