Featured Real Estate

Dock Square Garage Housing Moves Forward With 6-Story Addition; 125 Feet High

The Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) Board approved the hotly contested development plan at Dock Square Garage at its June 13th meeting. The project is located at 20 Clinton Street between the Haymarket Hotel (Parcel 9, under construction) site and Faneuil Hall Marketplace, directly across Surface Road from the Greenway’s Parcel 12. The proponent Read More…

Featured Government Real Estate

Community Meetings Over Urban Renewal Zones to Happen Soon

The Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA, formerly known as the BRA) recently shared with the Boston City Council that it will be holding sixteen community meetings about the different urban renewal areas.  In August 2016, the Commonwealth’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) approved BRA’s request for a six-year extension of urban renewal powers, Read More…

Featured Real Estate

Chiofaro’s Harbor Garage Agrees to Indemnify Aquarium From Tower Construction Losses

After months of negotiations, an agreement between Harbor Garage owner, Chiofaro Company, the New England Aquarium and the City of Boston was released on Friday. The deal comes after city officials consulted with State regulators on the draft Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan (MHP) submitted last March. In the latest supplement to the MHP (pdf), the Boston Planning Read More…

Government Real Estate

Municipal Harbor Plan Update at Residents Association

It has been over a year since the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) wrote a letter opposing the proposed Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan. At this month’s meeting, Mr. Victor Brogna, Chair of the Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee provided a brief status update. The Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan is under State Review Read More…

Featured Government

Candidate Q&A on Development, Role of City Council and the Boston Planning & Development Agency [Video]

In this first of a series of posts, we are highlighting specific resident questions from the recent District 1 City Council Candidates Forum hosted by the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). The three candidates running to fill the seat being vacated by Sal LaMattina are Lydia Edwards, Margaret Farmer and Stephen Passacantilli. District 1 includes the North End, Read More…

Featured Real Estate

13-Story North Washington Street Hotel “88NOWA” Approved by Zoning Board

The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) for the City of Boston voted on May 9th to approve the request by LIMAC Realty, LLC to erect a new hotel at 86-88 N. Washington Street. The ZBA approval follows a supportive vote by the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) in March 2017. Property owner Thomas MacKay plans Read More…

Featured Real Estate

Aquarium’s IMAX Theater Deal Would Increase Footprint of Chiofaro’s Harbor Garage Project

Neighbors concerned about the size and scale of the proposed Chiofaro Co. Harbor Garage project thought they had achieved a victory when the draft Municipal Harbor plan increased the open space requirement from 30% to 50%, complying with Chapter 91. They still weren’t thrilled with a 600 foot high tower, but at least there would be Read More…

Community Featured

BRA Continues 9-Year Legal Fight for Development Over Picnic Tables at Long Wharf

With its seemingly infinite legal budget, the Boston Redevelopment Authority filed an appeal this week of a Superior Court judgement protecting Long Wharf from development. The March 2017 ruling was the latest loss by the BRA in the “Long War of Long Wharf” versus a North End resident group (dba “North End Ten“) and the National Park Service. At Read More…

Community Featured Government

Notch Another Win for “North End Ten” in Long Wharf Case

The decade-long effort to protect Long Wharf‘s open space by a group of current and former North End residents (dba, the North End Ten) received another win this week with a Superior Court judgement against the Mass. Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA, now known as the Boston Planning & Development Agency). [See Mahajan et al. Read More…

Real Estate

Boston Officials Approve 88NOWA Hotel on North Washington Street

LIMAC Realty LLC’s plan to build a 64-key, 14-story hotel at 88 N. Washington St. in the North End was approved last week at the Boston Planning & Development Agency board meeting. The proposed hotel project structure will be 128 feet tall, occupy 36,000 sq. feet and cost $16.5 million to develop. Community feedback resulted in a reduction Read More…

Real Estate

Still 600 Feet, but More Open Space at Harbor Garage Tops Waterfront Plan Changes

Last minute revisions were released Tuesday to the Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan draft by the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA, formerly the BRA). The BPDA Board is expected to approve the plan on February 9th so it can go to State review. The 11th hour revisions are substantial, an effort to incorporate public comments and guidance from the State, said Read More…

Real Estate

Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan Comments Oppose Harbor Garage Development, Mixed on Long Wharf Additions, Support for 50% Open Space, Harborwalk, Blueway, Hook Lobster

After a three year process, comment letters are in to the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) on the draft Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan (MHP) that will set guidelines for zoning and a vision for development and open space for Boston’s waterfront between the North End and Fort Point Channel. All the comment letters can be viewed here. Read More…