City Councilor Liz Breadon (District 9) offered a hearing on zoning variances in Boston amid the ongoing conversation about rebuilding trust with residents regarding the Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) at a recent City Council meeting. According to Breadon, the Boston Zoning Code exists to preserve and protect neighborhoods against development that could potentially compromise Read More…
Tag: Zoning
Council Votes to Oppose New Plan for 49 Charter Street Addition
In a vote of 5-3, the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) voted to oppose a one-story addition at 49-49R Charter Street. NEWNC’s vote concurs with that of the Residents Association that similarly voted against the plan for a second time, despite revisions. Attorney Daniel Toscano presented the new proposal at the October 2019 Read More…
Officer Slate Announced at Residents Group Meeting; Parks and Zoning Reports [Video]
The September meeting of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) featured a myriad of community reports, including the group’s upcoming annual election of officers in October. Current NEWRA President Cheryl Delgreco introduced the meeting with an update from the Harborfront Alliance. She distributed a letter encouraging State leaders to further study flooding from Read More…
Residents Association Supports Redevelopment Plans at 279 North Street [Video]
The North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) voted 18-13 on November 8th to support redevelopment plans at 279 North Street by property owners, Michael and Peta Prinn, represented by Attorney Daniel Toscano. The proposal had twice been deferred at the September and October 2018 NEWRA meetings. The North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) also voted to Read More…
279 North Street Deferred a Second Time by Residents Association [Video]
The application for 279 North Street was again deferred after a presentation and discussion at the October 11th meeting of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA). The mutually agreed deferral was to give the proponents and abutters more time to work out potential changes to the proposal. Michael and Peta Prinn, existing North Read More…
Residents Association Supports Renovations at 276-282 Hanover Street, Il Panino Building
North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) members voted 19-4 in support of the renovations planned for 276-282 Hanover Street. The current vacant and burned out building over Il Panino Restaurant is owned by Federal Investments (Barbara Anguilo, represented by Attorney Rashi Mangalick). The proposal is to join the two buildings, allowing two means of egress, and Read More…
Residents Association Supports 33 N. Margin Street Changes
The North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) voted 17-2 to support variances related to 33 North Margin Street. Located at the corner of Cooper Street, the plans were presented by Attorney Daniel Toscano, as follows. (1) enclose the existing first floor entryway, formerly the entrance of Joe and Mary’s convenience store, encompassing 8 square feet. Read More…
Controversy Continues at Cross Street Plaza; Residents Association (NEWRA) Opposes Citizens Bank
It was another heated community meeting regarding the proposed building and tenants at Cross Street Plaza. Charter Cross Street LLC, an affiliate of Charter Realty at 198 Hanover Street, filed with the Boston Zoning Board of Appeal to change the legal occupancy at the property to include a Citizens Bank with an ATM. The tenant Read More…
City Councilors Introduce Legislation to Limit Zoning for Chain Stores
City Councilors Michelle Wu, Kim Janey and Lydia Edwards filed legislation to remove as-of-right designations for chain stores in Boston’s neighborhood business districts. The proposal, entered at today’s Council meeting, would amend the City of Boston’s Zoning Code to regulate formula retail uses, also known as chain stores, and require a conditional use permit for Read More…
Occupancy Change at 20 Moon St. Tabled at Neighborhood Council on Roof Deck and AirBnb Concerns [Video]
The property owner of 20 Moon Street, Jonathan Raisz, is petitioning the Boston Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) to change the legal occupancy of the existing building from one commercial / four residential to a five unit residential dwelling. The proposal would make the garden level unit residential, which is currently zoned as commercial. The Read More…
15 Snow Hill Street Zoning Variance Receives Neighborhood Council Support
A zoning variance request at 15 Snow Hill Street received unanimous support at the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). The property owner wishes to legalize the current occupancy, increasing the number of units on record from three to four residential units. All four renovated units will include full sprinkler and fire alarms. View Read More…
Zoning Board Approves Three North End Proposals
Three proposals relating to development in the North End were approved (Nov. 28) by the City of Boston Board of Appeals Board of Directors. Plans by Anthony Virgilio to renovate the existing basement and add stairs at 431-439 Hanover Street received ISD approval. A request by Anthony Longo to change the legal occupancy at 25-29 Read More…