Event Notices

Lewis Wharf IAG Meeting on Wednesday, September 30th

On Wednesday September 30th @ 7:00pm the proponent will present to the IAG for the first time under their formal Article 80 review. The public may come and participate if any time is leftover, but IAG members will have preference to speak. There is an Elliot School abutters meeting from 6 to 7pm this night so this is at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the Nazarro Center.

Also, following our IAG meeting, on Wednesday October 7th @ 6:30pm the public is invited to a community meeting where the project will be presented. This meeting will also be at the Nazzaro Center (in gymnasium). This will be more of an open forum and everyone will have an opportunity to fully participate.

The official public comment period is now open and set to expire on October 15th. Public Comments can simply be emailed to christopher.tracy@boston.gov and they will be shared with all BRA senior staff. The electronic version of the Project Notification Form can be found here:
