It’s here, the annual tradition of “move-in” week as all the student apartments turnover around September 1st. Unfortunately, there is a no regard for trash rules with everything just thrown out on the streets and sidewalks. In this selection of photos taken on Wednesday night, Mark Petrigjno captures a series of trash and furniture piles. The next pickup is Friday morning. Mark reports that he tried confronting one group at 234 Hanover St. who told him they are going to put the trash in their car. He also cites 220 Hanover St., 115 and 90 Salem Street along with 56 Prince St.
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the city has a responsibility here as well. everyone knows
what will happen this week with trash and junk on the
sidewalks in every section of the city. the Mayor should
ensure that extra collections of this trash are scheduled
so that these scenes are not repeated
How come the streets are still littered with trash from St. Anthony’s?? The organizers act so righteous complaining about anyone under the age of 40, but there is still a ton of trash from the festival. Why can’t all those volunteers clean up the trash following the event? They certainly have no problem finding volunteer “bouncers” that will shove women out of the way to clear the road for the St. Anthony statue.
I put the onus more on the city with the moving trash. They should have trucks in the neighborhood everyday picking up these larger items.
St Anthony’s society hired a cleaning company to clean the area where the feast was held. They do not have a responsibility to pick up the trash on Prince St generated by Bova’s and Parziale’s or Hanover St generated by customers of Mike’s Pastry or the pigs who bought food in the feast and ate it walking around and then threw the trash everywhere.
In the 30 yrs I have lived here, I have NEVER seen a “bouncer” from any society shove anyone, let alone a woman to make way for the statue. Now if some dumba$$ is standing in the middle of the street when the procession is going on eating her slice of pizza then she should know enough to get out of the way. Too bad if someone told her she had to move. LIAH!
Just like the stupid people who were walking in the middle of Prince St and SAlem St on Saturday afternoon and got all pissy when drivers started blowing their car horns at them to get out of the way. These people think they are in Epcot center and not in a real life city neighborhood.
BTW …what the hell does sidewalk trash and feast trash have to do with people complaining about late night noise?You are obviously one of the people who is in the under 30 age group that people wish would grow up and shut up at 2 AM
They should be cleaning up the confetti that people throw out their windows when the St. Anthony’s statue is on the street below. The North End is covered in trash because of the festival.
I’m 39 years old and have never had late night parties. I’m just sick of all the old people in the neighborhood who complain non-stop about noise, parties, trash, etc. Then when St. Anthony’s wrecks the neighborhood, they only take responsibility for a few blocks when it clearly spills over everywhere.
No Jon…the people who throw confetti should clean up their own mess. if you do not like the old people…which by your definition seems to be anyone over 40 ….complaining about the inconsiderate under 40 set making noise at 2 AM and throwing trash out improperly bagged and/or on the wrong day..why don’t you move to Brighton or the Seaport district or Comm Ave and enjoy your last year amonst your own kind before you join the ranks of us old people.
Nobody is asking people not to have parties and enjoy themselves. Everyone is asking people coming home late at night or having roofdeck parties to obey the LAW that says people who live here are entitled to the QUIET enjoyment of their residence after 11PM ( which means shut the hell up at 2AM) . People are asking the under 40 residents to put their damn trash in garbage bags and put it out at the proper time…ie AFTER 5PM on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. That means keep your stinking trash in YOUR apt when you leave on Fri to go away for the weekend. It means take your damn trash with you when you move if it is not a trash night. It means take your damn trash with you and stop using the planters that people put out to make their property look good as your personal dumpster, urinal, and object to turn over just because you are so s**tfaced that you think it is funny.
I have a hard time believing that the people think they are an “Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow’
Also Joyce, I am not exactly sure how you correlated what Jon said to late night noise? I think you just kicked over your soap box and stood up to make an irrelevant point.
The feasts are great for the North End although I have to admit it does get old after a while. I think the move problem comes down to city regulation, if it is illegal to dump a sofa on the street during move in move out it needs to be enforced by the police or others via posted messages or live enforcement.
Mr/Ms sandwich shop, pastry shop, bar. Jon brought up “old people” complaining about late noise in his original post and then again in his second reply. So I did not kick anything to make an irrelevant point. If you are going to make a personal attack on me , grow a set and use your real name and stop hiding behind a stupid fake name. Next time try actually reading the entire thread before you make a comment.
Sorry for starting all of this. My main point is just that the organizers should have paid to have the surrounding streets cleaned as well. Clearly the city cannot be relied on to clean the streets in a timely manner or to pick up moving trash. While I agree that everyone should be picking up there own trash, a lot of the trash comes from the tourists visiting the festival who don’t care. The festival attracted all these people and should be responsible for cleaning up the streets afterwards.
As far as the moving trash goes, I don’t think it will ever change unless the city starts leaving massive dumpsters on every corner for the week before and after Sept. 1st. Most people moving are not going to realistically drive their trash out of the neighborhood. It’s also hard to make them care when they are already moving out of the neighborhood.
I’m not trying to attack the old or young people. I sort of fall in the middle of both groups. Yes the Suffolk kids are loud and dump their trash everywhere, but the same thing is happening with the older generations running the festival not cleaning up afterwards. My street is covered in trash from this past weekend and probably won’t be reasonably cleaned until the next street sweeper comes.
The thread isn’t correct then because it appeared you were addressing only his comment above. Apologies on the misunderstanding. I am exercising my right to remain anonymous under the policy of this website.
My comments are not off topic or out of touch, however my point being is, there is an obvious trend of people coming on here and complaining about things. Simple productive thought would show that complainers don’t accomplish their intended goals, rather people who take action and try to change things for the better can and do make a difference. Going to the Nazzaro center and having a complaint fiesta has clearly accomplished nothing. The neighborhood watch program has also dissolved. So either we need to think of new ideas or we are complaining about a problem that simply is not as bad as its made out to be.
I for one do not think there is a massive problem in the North End, as would the vast majorities of young professionals (and probably others who are not classified as that by you) that reside here. For the most part I have had no issues with loud parties in the North end for the 5 years I have lived here. I would say that the most annoying evening I ever experienced was a feast evening on my street, however like I mentioned in my prior post its just 1 weekend a year so its tolerable.
Moving day does occur 1 time per month and most heavily on 9/1. I mentioned a potential course of action to take in my prior post, and coincidentally there is an article on here about the move regulations in a letter to landlords. Problem being, it makes no specific mention to anything regarding what you can and cannot put on the sidewalk, only that it needs to be out there by 7AM on Friday.
So instead of getting all defensive and using this as a place to vent about what I perceive to be minimal disruption, if it truly is illegal/against policy to put sofa’s on the street, and you are that concerned about it, that you notify, the most relevant powers at be to post regulations. From what I can tell the only item that does not end up in the trucks are TV’s.
Oh – it wasn’t a personal attack it was an observation of a trend.
DBB: you can put sofas and other furniture out on the sidewalk on trash nights anytime during the year. I live on a side street where the smaller alleycat trash trucks are used. The guy who drives the truck has asked people to put large pieces out for Friday pickup when there are two people on the truck …but technically you can do it any trash pickup day. You are suppossed to make arrangements with the city to to have TVs. computer monitors, microwaves, airconditioners and a few other things I cannot remember picked up. Paint, oil, construction debri are also no nos.
Contrary to what you think,,,,getting people involved in community meetings can be very productive. The Neighborhood watch fell apart because a neighborhood wide approach does not work. I was involved over 15 yrs ago in a similar attempt and it does not work. It has to be block by block or it will not work. It cannot be forced on the neighborhood by someone who appoints himself or herself in charge of the whole neighborhood. I happen to live on a street where people tend to know each other, look out for each other and call the police when necessary. It seems to work. there is no formal structure.
Love the comment about the bouncers…SO true, unfortunately!
I am one of the organizers of Saint Anthony’s Feast, I am also a resident of the North End, who up until Saturday was under the age of 40 years old. My fellow members range in age from their early twenties to their late eighties; I can assure we value our fellow neighbor of any age who respects our neighborhood.
Saint Anthony’s Feast hires a cleaning company that is responsible for cleaning the several blocks that make up the immediate festival area. This company does a wonderful job. We are not required, nor do we have the resources to clean every street in the surrounding area. We pay taxes and fees to the City and rely on their help and that of our neighbors to assist in the cleanup of the other areas of the neighborhood. As a lifelong resident of Prince Street, I was out with a broom cleaning my stoop this past week. I actually do this quite often because Prince Street is always messy and it is not just the Feast that causes it.
As for your comments about so called “bouncers” – these men are members of my club and most are residents of the neighborhood. As the “Marshal” for the statue of Saint Anthony, I can assure you that our main objective in clearing a path in front of the statue is to ensure the safety of both the onlookers and participants in the parade. Unlike traditional parades, the feast processions make many stops along the route to the doorways and windows of residents and businesses. We may be a little abrupt at times during the day but it only to ensure that people are not in the path of the several hundred pound statue and the men and women who are carrying it and the ribbons. We do this to make sure No one is hurt and trampled upon. I should also mention the marching band and other followers that are directly behind the statue.
Thank you
Thank you Jason. I was referring to when the statue was coming down Endicott St. between all the vendors on Sunday night. No offense, but they were barging through when there was no space for anyone to move because of the crowds. There were a lot of families (some with children in strollers) that were pinned between the statue and the vendors.
I have noticed that Prince St. is especially bad and should have been cleaned. Salem St. seems cleaner, which is probably due to the store owners sweeping in front of their stores. Because Prince St. was not cleaned, the trash/confetti will remain until the next time the street sweeper comes and the trash on the sidewalks will be there until it blows away.
It really bothers me how the North End is constantly covered in trash.
I see your point about the Sunday night. I will try to address that part of crowd control; ith my members for next year’s march home.
As for Prince Street, the Feast actually went up Prince Street to Salem Street years ago and the City took Prince Street out of our boundaries. I will speak to my cleaner and the City about coming up with a compromise for Prince Street next year.
Thanks Jason!
This was our first time at the St. Anthony Feast. Yes, we are tourist, but our main reason for coming was for the feast. We have normally gone to the San Gennaro feast in NYC every year, but grew tired of how commercialized it had become. It is dirty, crowded, and more of a carnival than a feast. I can’t tell you how thrilled we were with the way this feast was organized, clean, and people were so friendly. We enjoyed ourselves so much and want to thank the North End of Boston and The St. Anthony Society for making our trip so memorable. We will definitely be coming back next year!! I do hope that what has happened in NYC doesn’t happen here..the young yuppies moving into the neighborhood and complaining about the feast, and the noise and the mess..keep up the good works, and work with the neighborhood for helps! Thank You Boston for your hospitality! Louie& Dawn
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