Commentaries Schools

Downtown View: Fall Advice

Students? There are lots of them downtown. We also have another large group of newcomers. They are the newly minted and less-newly minted college graduates on their first or second job. They want to live within walking distance of their work in the downtown, Back Bay, Kendall Square, the hospital areas or the Seaport District. Read More…

Commentaries Police & Fire

North End Moment: Hello, Neighbor!

It was the first neighborhood meeting of the new year, and those in attendance were still basking in holiday glow with good will to all. Nothing too controversial clouded the horizon as the agenda unfolded seamlessly and remarkably on schedule. The final item about local undergraduate-renters was thoughtful and provocative. What does “being a good Read More…

Community Event Notices Photos & Videos Police & Fire Schools

Suffolk University’s Nucci Speaks About Students Living in North End [Video]

Suffolk University’s John Nucci, Vice-President of Government and Community Affairs, was invited by the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) to speak about quality of life and loud party issues as a result of students living in the neighborhood. Nucci spent about 30 minutes at the January 9th NEWRA meeting discussing the steps that the Read More…

Arts & Culture Photos & Videos Schools

The North End: Neighborhood Project [Video]

[responsive_youtube] A Suffolk University team of students recently completed a photo / video project for a History of Boston class. The North End Project was submitted by Rich Upson, Max Maroney, Betsy Willett, Angel Davis, Samuel Thaler & Tyler Parmelee. The video is shown above and the text / photo portion is available at Read More…

Commentaries Food & Drink Health & Environment

New Residents Moving in to the Community Over the Labor Day Weekend

As hundreds of new residents moved in over the Labor Day weekend, we could finally come to realize that our tiny community is changing in demographics and culture. This once predominantly Italian and family oriented neighborhood has transformed overnight, but we could see it in plain sight, in the light of day this weekend. Older Read More…

Health & Environment Real Estate

Problem Property Task Force Sends Move-In Letter to Landlords

In preparation for the September 1st rental apartment turnover, the following letter from the Problem Properties Task Force was sent to all landlords in the North End and Beacon Hill. Mailing costs were paid by Suffolk University. The City offers Ten Moving Tips for new students living in Boston. We would also take this opportunity Read More…

Health & Environment

Move-In Week is Here; Just Look at the Sidewalks

It’s here, the annual tradition of “move-in” week as all the student apartments turnover around September 1st. Unfortunately, there is a no regard for trash rules with everything just thrown out on the streets and sidewalks. In this selection of photos taken on Wednesday night, Mark Petrigjno captures a series of trash and furniture piles. Read More…

Health & Environment

Toilets, Computers, Appliances Dumped on Salem Street in Front of Old North Church on Freedom Trail

The early signs of moving week have arrived or someone is just dumping in the North End. These photos are from Wednesday night on Salem Street in front of the Old North Church on the Freedom Trail. Photos by Mark Petrigno. *Update: Old North scheduled a private pickup for Thursday morning. See more in the Read More…