With all the student move-ins happening this weekend, there is a useful website for residents to check where and when the City of Boston has issued a Street Occupancy Permit. These permits clear parking and curbspace for move-ins in front of the address.
For example, the following link shows all the permits issued for Endicott Street in the North End:
At the bottom of the website page, residents can also sign up for “No Tow” email alerts and reminders for both street sweeping and street occupancy permits. Emails are sent the day before permits take effect.
Courtesy of Janine Coppola, Director of the Mayor’s Hotline, 617-635-4500 or Citizens Connect at http://www.cityofboston.gov/mayor/24/.
Beware – this list is not always 100% updated. For example, Cooper Street between North Washington and Endicott was tow-zone all week on both sides and you won’t find that permit on there. As tempting as it is to park somewhere because the sign doesn’t align to the website, it’s not worth the risk.