Community Event Notices Food & Drink Photos & Videos Police & Fire

Neighborhood Council Votes Against Moving St. Joseph’s Feast to Prado; Supports Strega Cafe Transfer and Endicott St. Variance [Meeting Video]

[responsive_youtube] Video: North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) meeting on June 10, 2013 at Nazzaro Center, North End, Boston. Recap and video timeline is shown below. (00:00 in video) Welcome and introduction of new council members and officers, after the recent election of new council members. New NEWNC officers were announced as follows: Read More…

Community Food & Drink Government Real Estate

Flash Report From Residents’ Association Meeting (NEWRA) on February 9, 2012

Requests by Contrada’s on Hanover St., Nick Varano’s Famous Deli on Cross St. and 9 Noyes Pl. all receive supportive votes from NEWRA members. The City’s Environmental Chief also communicates with the neighborhood.

Business Community Photos & Videos

Nick Varano’s Famous Deli Receives Support From Council For New Beer And Wine License

Nick Varano received unanimous support from the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council, NEWNC, for a new beer, wine and cordials pouring license at Nick’s Famous Deli on 66 Cross Street. Business has been slow at the deli, according to Varano, who said the Cross St. plaza location has not been a successful location to Read More…

Business Community Food & Drink

Photo: Frank, Dean & Sammy Come to the Freedom Trail on Cross Street

If you have walked along the Freedom Trail traversing Cross Street plaza at the “Gateway of the North End,” you have undoubtedly seen three new life-size figures of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. from the famous “Rat Pack.” The theme picks up on Nick’s Famous Deli, that put out the figures. I Read More…

Business Food & Drink

Nick’s Deli and Segway Tours Heard by Licensing Board

Boston’s Licensing Board heard two applications this week, including C.V. licenses (food/non-alcoholic beverages) for Nick’s Famous Deli on 66 Cross Street and Segway Tours (Boston Gliders) on 75 Commercial Street. Nick’s Famous Deli (66 Cross Street, the former Martignetti’s Liquors site) – Although the initial application indicated closing hours up to 2:00 am (with 4:00 Read More…

Food & Drink

“Nick’s Famous Deli” License To Have Earlier Closing Hours

Although “Nick’s Famous Deli” filed a license application for a 2:00 am closing (with 4:00 am takeout window), sources indicate that owner Nick Varano will revise his application for an 11:00 pm closing hour (12:00 am on weekends). The plan may still include a takeout/delivery window closing at 2:00 am. Boston’s Licensing Board will hear Read More…

Food & Drink

“Nick’s Famous Deli” Re-Applies for Late-Night Food License

 “Nick’s Famous Deli,” owned by Nick Varano, has re-applied for a common victualler license for 66 Cross Street for food and non-alcoholic beverage service. This application was rescinded last summer after a negative reaction from abutters and neighborhood groups. The deli has been operating under a temporary license. The license application is for a 2:00 Read More…

Food & Drink

Nick’s Deli Withdraws C.V. License Application

In response to neighborhood opposition, Nick’s Famous Deli on 66 Cross Street has withdrawn its late night application (2 am with a 4am takeout window) for a C.V. (common victualler) license at 66 Cross Street for food and non-alcoholic beverage service. The Licensing Board hearing scheduled for Wednesday, August 12th has also been canceled. Nick’s Read More…

Food & Drink Real Estate

Nick’s Famous Deli Applies for Victualler License

Under the name of NVFD Corporation, d.b.a “Famous Deli”, Nick Varano has applied for a common victualler license for 66 Cross Street for food and non-alcoholic beverage service. This site is one of the spaces formerly occupied by Martignetti’s. Varano also owns Strega and Nico restaurants on Hanover Street. The application to serve food is Read More…