[responsive_youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DNC0GtJnV4]
Video: North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) meeting on June 10, 2013 at Nazzaro Center, North End, Boston. Recap and video timeline is shown below.
(00:00 in video) Welcome and introduction of new council members and officers, after the recent election of new council members.
New NEWNC officers were announced as follows:
- President: Stephen Passacantilli
- Vice-President: Philip Frattaroli
- Secretary: John Pregmon
(02:40) Public safety report
(05:00) Trash survey and new rental inspection ordinance
(13:50) Greenway parks update
(20:45) North End Youth Hockey Introduction Program – Dan Toscano spoke about the programs registration process and the details of their Intro to Hockey Program now in their second full season. There was no vote on this issue.
(29:00) St. Joseph’s Society (Societa San Giuseppe di Riesi), 467 Hanover St. presented their plans to potentially move their annual “feast” (which is celebrated the last weekend in July) from lower Hanover St. at intersection of Battery St. to the Prado (aka Paul Revere Mall).
- NEWNC voted 7-2 to oppose the request.
(1:14:00) Strega Pizzeria and Cafe, 373 Hanover Street, Nicola Varano has filed an application with the Licensing Board for transfer of the Malt and Wine with Cordials License at Nick’s Famous Deli, 66 Cross Street, to 373 Hanover St.
- NEWNC voted 9-0 to support the application.
(1:21:00) 90-92 Endicott Street, Barry Samuels has filed a zoning appeal to change the legal occupancy from three apartments and store to four apartments.
- NEWNC voted 8-0 to support the application.
All votes by NEWNC are advisory to city officials that make the final determination. For more information on NEWNC, see www.NEWNCBoston.org.
As far as Mass in the Prado…Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass on the Boston Common back in 1980. Was that an issue?
Anyone remember Emily Litella on SNL? That’s what the discussion on the feast reminded me of.
Mass in the Prado is not the issue. Feast in the Prado is the issue. Two different celebrations.
The in the video woman at the meeting obviously had an issue w/ Mass in the Prado.
A more traditional feast would be a welcome change versus having rap music and fried crap.