In the largest turnout of recent years, 314 residents came out to vote on Saturday, May 18th at the annual election for North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). Nine residents were running for the six open seats on the council. The top six candidates will each serve a two-year term on the Neighborhood Council. Here are the final vote counts:
2013 NEWNC Vote Tally – 314 Total Ballots
(Top six candidates are elected to NEWNC)
1. 202 votes – Stephen Passacantilli, Hanover St.*
2. 195 votes – Maria Lanza, Commercial St.
3. 168 votes – Ralph Verrocchi, Sheafe St.
4. 122 votes (tie) – Philip Frattaroli, Harris St.*
4. 122 votes (tie) – David Marx, Thacher St.*
6. 112 votes – Jorge Mendoza, Stillman Pl.*
7. 107 votes – Robert Gomes, Commercial St.
8. 58 votes (tie) – Damien DiPaola, Lathrop Pl.
8. 58 votes (tie) – Edward Rice, Snow Hill St.
There was also one write-in vote for Blake Webber.
A total of 314 North End / Waterfront residents voted in the 2013 election, compared to 239 last year, 203 in 2011, 288 in 2010 and 220 in 2009. Serving on this year’s election committee were councilors not up for re-election.
The six council members with one more year left on their two-year terms include Toni Gilardi, Ryan Kenny, John Pregmon, Gennaro Riccio, Marie Simboli and Anne Devlin Tagliaferro.
NEWNC meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Nazzaro Center, 30 North Bennet Street. For additional information about NEWNC, please visit www.NEWNCBoston.org, on Twitter @NEWNCBoston or on Facebook.
The neighborhood has a great Council to protect its character in the coming year. Congrats to all those elected today!
Congrats to all. Thank you for putting your name and your reputations out there for the neighborhood.