By Terese O’Connell Mark your calendars! The Friends of the North End Library (FONEL) invite you to see “Books in Bloom” at the North End Library’s Spring Open House from Wednesday April 1 at 5 p.m. to Saturday, April 4 at 1:30 p.m. Books in Bloom is a special springtime event that pairs floral arrangements inspired by Read More…
Books in Bloom at the North End Library
By Terese O’Connell The Friends of the North End Library (FONEL) invite you to “Books in Bloom” at the North End Library’s Spring Open House starting Wednesday, April 3rd at 5 p.m. and continuing through Saturday, April 6th at 1:30 p.m. Books in Bloom is a special springtime event that pairs floral arrangements inspired by the Read More…
Author Vincent Cannato Leads Talk Attendees on a Return to Ellis Island Through Historic Facts and Photos
By Mary Sanderson The Friends of the North End Library (FONEL) sponsored a fascinating talk by author and history professor, Vincent Cannato on Wednesday, March 6th at the North End branch of the Boston Public Library. The cold weather did nothing to dampen the spirits of the packed house, with over 50 people enjoying Vincent’s Read More…
Friends of North End Library Bring Holiday Cheer at Annual Luncheon
The Friends of the North End Branch Library held their annual appreciation party for North End neighbors! There was food, music, raffle and good conversation, free to everyone. There was musical entertainment and a complimentary luncheon of favorite Italian dishes, including lasagna, meatballs, ravioli and pizza, was served to the very appreciative attendees. The Friends set Read More…
Community Chat: Learn About the Friends of the North End Library
The Friends of the North End Branch Library presented at the May 2018 meeting of the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) to bring awareness to its activities on behalf of the library. FONEBL President Chris Sabbey and Vice President Rita Pagluica spoke to the group about how the Friends group sponsors programing and improvements Read More…
An Evening with The Friends of the North End Library [Photos]
The winter weather may have persisted outside, but spring was in the air at the Friends of the North End Library Spring Fling! The friendly gathering at The Living Room was an opportunity for current members and new members alike to enjoy a fun evening, to raise funds for Friends’ events, and to fulfill the Read More…
North End Library Friends Host Attorney General’s Office
Representatives from the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) gave an informative presentation at the North End Branch Library during a Community Action Hour. Community Action Hours are teaching sessions conducted by the Attorney General’s Office to teach residents about their rights and how to use the resources available through the AGO. The purpose of this community Read More…
North Enders Enjoy Library Holiday Party
By Patricia Sabbey The Friends of the North End Library delivered holiday sparkle to the neighborhood at the recent celebration at the library. Musical entertainment was provided by the “The Joneses”, a local duo who perform at various functions in the North End and around the state. In addition to the music, a complimentary luncheon Read More…
Letter to Library Friends and Members
Dear Members and Friends: It is that time of the year again. The time that we all look forward to with eager anticipation. The time when we are so happy to pay our dues to The Friends of the North End Branch Library, Inc. As you know, not only do the Friends run our own Read More…
Friends of the North End Library Share Survey Results
The Friends of the North End Library would like to thank all of our neighbors who participated in the library Survey to improve our local library. We are very pleased with the number of responses we received as well as the quality and thoughtfulness of the responses. The number of responses exceeded our expectations. We Read More…
Take the North End Library Survey
PARICIPATE IN LIBRARY SURVEY By Eva Badway, FONEL The Friends of the North End Branch Library want to hear from our community. We are conducting a survey during the month of September to learn more about the needs of the patrons of the North End Branch of the Boston Public Library. Our organization aims to Read More…
Author Sammarco Fills in North Enders on Back Bay
AUTHOR FILLS IN NORTH ENDERS ON BACK BAY By Patricia Sabbey, FONEL Anthony Sammarco, noted historian and author spoke recently at the North End Branch Library. His talk was sponsored by the Friends of the North End Library and the Citywide Friends. Mr. Sammarco gave a riveting and comprehensive account of the filling in and Read More…