
Community Chat: Learn About the Friends of the North End Library

The Friends of the North End Branch Library presented at the May 2018 meeting of the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) to bring awareness to its activities on behalf of the library.

FONEBL President Chris Sabbey and Vice President Rita Pagluica spoke to the group about how the Friends group sponsors programing and improvements to the neighborhood library.

The Friends act in cooperation with the city’s librarians and staff. Today’s libraries serve many more constituents than just book readers. The North End library has a dedicated children’s section in addition to public computers and event space for movies and lectures. Jennifer Hawes is the North End branch librarian and Alyson Feldman-Piltch is the children’s and teen librarian.

Some specific projects the Friends have recently completed include:

  • Chairs and tables for the adult section
  • Furniture for the children’s area
  • Game boards for Mahjong adult games
  • Carts to transport chairs.

Friends activities include youth chess, author talks, musical programs, regular trips and the annual community holiday party.

A dedicated group of plant lovers have revitalized the horticulture inside and outside the library. Take a look at the blooming Spring flowers on Parmenter Street to see the fruits of their labor.

The library book sale is now an ongoing program where patrons can donate and drop off books anytime, as well as browse through the current offerings. Check out their new “wishing tree” the next time you stop by the library to see what else is needed.

To find out more or join the 125+ members of the Friends group, see If interested in volunteering, please email

One Reply to “Community Chat: Learn About the Friends of the North End Library

  1. I am a Friends of the North End Library volunteer.
    Just a few more comments about our wonderful North End Library. We recently took a survey from the community about what people liked or
    didn’t like and what would they like to see at the Library that was not currently in place. We had an overwhelming response and we listened!!
    We are happy to say that we have many new faces attending our events. If you have not been to our Library lately……Come on down and
    see for yourself what a hidden gem we have right here on Parmenter St. And while you’re there don’t forget to check out our newest addition the “Giving Tree”.

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