Announcements Event Notices

What Music Did the Pilgrims Hear?

What music did the Pilgrims hear? The Plimoth colonists were a diverse group of Separatists and Anglicans, religious zealots and irreverent opportunists. They brought with them music as varied as their reasons for coming to the New World in 1620. Plimoth Colony heard not just solemn English psalms, but also humorous catches, ballads, Dutch songs, Read More…

Event Notices

“Memorize Best” Program: Learn to Train Your Memory October 20

By Amico dei libri The Friends of the North End Library and the North Bennet Street School are delighted to announce a free program, “Memorize Best”, presented by the renowned Neil A. Kutzen. In this two-hour program, Neil will teach people memory techniques that work with names and other information. Come to the North Bennet Read More…

Arts & Culture

New at the Library! A Wishing Tree

By Terese O’Connell The Friends of the North End Library gratefully thank local woodworking artisan Grant Burger for his amazing work of art now permanently on display in the North End Library. The Friends of the North End Library started the Wishing Tree with donation ornaments years ago at the Annual Spring Fling. It was Read More…

Event Notices

The People’s Law Firm – Hear from the Office of the Attorney General at North End Library

THE PEOPLE’S LAW FIRM – MASSACHUSETTS ATTORNEY GENERAL Please join the Friends of the North End Library to listen to, and ask questions of, a member of the Office of the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts discussing the resources available to you and how to obtain assistance from the Attorney General’s Office. This Read More…

Community Photos & Videos

North Enders Enjoy Library Holiday Party

By Patricia Sabbey The Friends of the North End Library delivered holiday sparkle to the neighborhood at the recent celebration at the library. Musical entertainment was provided by the “The Joneses”, a local duo who perform at various functions in the North End and around the state. In addition to the music, a complimentary luncheon Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured

North End Library Friends Host Author on Presidents Reagan and Eisenhower

The Friends of the North End Library hosted our local North End author, Dr. Gene Kopelson the other night at the North End Library.  Gene gave a very informative talk about Ronald Reagan’s first run for President in 1968 which was unsuccessful.  Gene studied this period in history because he felt no other historian had Read More…

Event Notices

Thursday! North End Branch Library to Host 7th Spring Soiree

The Friends of the North End Branch Library will host their annual fundraiser on Thursday, March 23, 2017 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. The Friends are hoping for a big turnout this year and there are several very generous restaurant gift certificates to raffle off. Tickets are now on sale for $45. Tickets may be purchased online, or you may send a check payable Read More…


Friends of the North End Library Support Branch Upgrades

Have you dropped by our neighborhood North End Library lately? If you have, you might have noticed many changes. We have a new acting librarian, Jennifer Hawes, whom you already know as the Children’s Librarian. Jennifer will hold both positions for the immediate future. You might also have noticed that the library has undergone a Read More…

Event Notices

North End Library Book Sale on Saturday, October 17th

Everyone loved the Spring book sale, so here’s another chance! The Friends of the North End Branch Library are having their first Fall Book sale on Saturday, October 17th, 10am – 2pm outside the library, 25 Parmenter Street. All books and DVDs are $1-$2 and there is free tea, coffee, cookies and cider! Don’t miss Read More…