Have you dropped by our neighborhood North End Library lately? If you have, you might have noticed many changes. We have a new acting librarian, Jennifer Hawes, whom you already know as the Children’s Librarian. Jennifer will hold both positions for the immediate future.
You might also have noticed that the library has undergone a comprehensive maintenance upgrade. Through the efforts of Jennifer, the staff of the Central Library in Copley Square, and with the encouragement and persistence of the Friends of the North End Branch Library as well as behind the scenes support from our City Councilor, Sal LaMattina, the North End Library is now much cleaner and brighter. Patrons can now enjoy using the NE Library in a well-lighted, relaxed and comfortable setting.
The maintenance included painting the ceiling and walls, installing updated interior and exterior lighting, repainting the inside plumbing and repairing the exterior sidewalk masonry.
The Friends of the North End Library invite you to drop by and enjoy the new surroundings and to tell Jenifer how much you appreciate the changes.
Soon we expect to have a suggestion box for you to contribute ideas for additional changes and new programs for the Friends’ consideration.
Support our local library branch at the 7th Spring Soiree on March 23rd, to be held at Lucia Ristorante. See the flyer.
I love having a library in the neighborhood.
Thank you for all you do to keep it an important place in the North End.
The Library is such a special venue in the North End. It provides the neighborhood with a sense of community. Would love to see a monthly adult book group added to the activities.
Marie: The Friends of the NE Library are planning on having adult book groups but difficult to start. We intend to put out a survey and suggestion box. Please complete survey and state that you would join a book group.
North End Chris
My childhood library… as I remember it -architecturally beautiful structure, soaked in sun from high glass transoms with mid-century esthetics ( including Bertoia chairs!!) where one could sit and read next to the built-in coy fish pond and lovely giant green leafy plants that seemed to organically grow from the library floor (planters). It was a modern oasis in an era of plastic and kitsch (70’s). To this day it has inspired me to design my own home to include aspects of this library.