Featured Meetings

New Ferries to Connect Long Wharf to Seaport, Charlestown and East Boston

Director of Waterfront Planning for Boston Harbor Now Alice Brown presented summer programs and new water transportation routes to the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) at their May meeting. Watch Brown’s presentation above and follow along with this timeline. (1:06) The Harbor Islands will open on Saturday, May 18. On opening day the Read More…

Featured Transportation

Reader Poll: Would You Ride an Inner Harbor Connector Ferry?

Boston Harbor Now has released two water transportation plans for new ferry routes in the harbor. The first would connect Squantum Point (Quincy) and Columbia Point (near the JFK Library) with Long Wharf. The other would work as an inner harbor connector, joining the Seaport’s Fan Pier, East Boston’s Lewis Mall, Downtown’s Long Wharf, and Read More…

Featured Health & Environment Transportation

Boston Harbor Now’s “Waterfront Wednesdays” Episode Two: Water Transportation Signage

Boston Harbor Now’s Director of Policy Jill Valdes Horwood and Director of Planning Alice Brown have started a bi-weekly video blog covering topics related to the harbor. Watch their most recent episode about water transportation signage below. In this six-minute vlog (video blog), Horwood and Brown discuss the importance of clear and accurate signage related to water transportation. Brown uses San Francisco’s Read More…

Featured Transportation

Boston Harbor Now Presents Water Transportation Studies at Wharf District Council

Boston Harbor Now Director of Water Transportation Alice Brown gave an update on two water transportation studies at the November Wharf District Council meeting. Boston Harbor Now (BHN) is currently completing two studies to better serve the needs of the current and future customer base. Comprehensive Boston Harbor Water Transportation Study and Business Plans: Plans Read More…


Encore Ferry to Carry Passengers Between Casino and Harbor Points

Three European-style motor yachts will shuttle guests and employees between the Encore Boston Harbor gaming resort in Everett and points along the Harbor when the casino opens in June 2019. The ferry route will include stops in the Seaport, Downtown and Financial District. The boats are expected to run 365 days a year. The final schedule, Read More…

Announcements Transportation

Weekend MBTA Ferry Service Returns Memorial Day Weekend

Today the MBTA announced that weekend commuter ferry service will be available between Hingham, Hull, George’s Island, and Boston beginning Saturday, May 26. The service operates from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. On Saturdays and Sundays, fourteen hourly ferry trips are scheduled that depart from Hingham and Boston and make a number of stops Read More…

Community Featured Real Estate

Another Extension for Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan; Boston Harbor Now Says Enough

The City of Boston has requested an additional extension from State officials to further the discussions and review of the Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan. With the fourth such extension request, the latest delay comes nearly a year after the drafted plan was submitted in March 2017 by the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) for Read More…

Featured Transportation

Inner Harbor Ferry Could Connect Lovejoy Wharf, Eastie, Charlestown, Long Wharf, Fan Pier and More

Looking for a less congested route from North Station to the Seaport? Hoping to easily travel between Charlestown and Long Wharf? Boston Harbor ferries may be the answer to some transportation needs. Earlier this week, MassDOT and Boston Harbor Now met with the Seaport Economic Council to present the proposed short list for new or Read More…


Reader Poll: What Inner Harbor Ferry Sites Would You Like to See?

Boston Harbor Now recently hosted an open house for community members to learn about updates on the harbor ferry expansion project and share their opinions. Eight inner harbor sites have been selected for further analysis, of which 2-4 will be selected for ferry service. What would be your top choices for inner harbor ferry locations? Vote Read More…


Update from the Water Transportation Study Open House

Last Thursday, Boston Harbor Now hosted an open house for community members to learn about updates on the harbor ferry expansion project and share their opinions. The open house included information gathered from stakeholder workshops held this past July and an organized display of sites being considered for further analysis. Recap from Stakeholders Workshops Summer workshops Read More…


Reader Poll: Where Would You Like to Ferry to / from the North End / Waterfront?

Over the past few months there have been several discussions around water transportation and expanding public use of Boston Harbor and the waterfront. Boston Harbor Now participated in a waterfront panel back in July that focused on, among other things, moving city traffic to the harbor by increasing water shuttles. City council candidates have also shared their Read More…

Community Transportation

Reader Poll: Should Boston Expand Its Inner Harbor Ferry System?

At a recent meeting of civic non-profit leaders at the New England Aquarium, a lengthy discussion ensued about the expansion of Boston’s water transportation system. The panelists expressed support for additional ferries to decrease the surface road congestion including hundreds of private shuttles transporting employees to / from North and South Station. The panel also raised Read More…