Featured Transportation

Reader Poll: Would You Ride an Inner Harbor Connector Ferry?

Boston Harbor Now has released two water transportation plans for new ferry routes in the harbor. The first would connect Squantum Point (Quincy) and Columbia Point (near the JFK Library) with Long Wharf. The other would work as an inner harbor connector, joining the Seaport’s Fan Pier, East Boston’s Lewis Mall, Downtown’s Long Wharf, and Charlestown’s Navy Yard Pier 4.

According to the Boston Globe, the inner harbor connector would aim for departures from each terminal every 15 minutes during rush hour, and every 20 minutes during off-peak hours and on weekends. Fares would be either $3.50 or $6.50 per trip.

These ferries are still a ways off from reality, as docks would need to be repaired in some places, and Boston Harbor Now is just beginning the process of finding someone to purchase / lease the boats and operate the service. The plans indicate a goal to have both routes in place within the next five years.

Boston Harbor Now projects an annual ridership for the inner harbor connector between 924,000 and 1.6 million. Will you be one of them? Vote in our poll and add your comments in the section below.

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