Announcements Transportation

Weekend MBTA Ferry Service Returns Memorial Day Weekend

Today the MBTA announced that weekend commuter ferry service will be available between Hingham, Hull, George’s Island, and Boston beginning Saturday, May 26. The service operates from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.

On Saturdays and Sundays, fourteen hourly ferry trips are scheduled that depart from Hingham and Boston and make a number of stops at Hull, George’s Island, and Logan Airport, before arriving at Long Wharf. During the 9 a.m. trip from Boston, an additional weekend stop at 9:25 a.m. at Hull has been added this year in order to accommodate summer beach goers. Two Saturday-only evening trips also depart at 9:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. from Hingham and at 10:15 p.m. and 11:15 p.m. from Long Wharf in Boston. One-way fare between Hingham or Hull and Boston is $9.25 with one-way fare to Logan Airport costing $18.50.

For more information regarding weekend commuter ferry service, please visit