Community Featured

Councilor Lydia Edwards Talks Puppies and Politics in the North End Dog Park

Councilor Lydia Edwards stopped by the North End dog park to talk “Puppies and Politics” on Thursday evening. The event, where concerns about dogs in the city were addressed by Councilor Edwards, was well attended by dogs and humans alike. She spent the evening handing out dog treats and talking to the residents who attended. Read More…

Community Featured Photos & Videos

RUFF Ice Cream Social in the North End Dog Park

The four-legged residents of the North End and their humans cooled off on an incredibly hot day with Responsible Urbanites for Fido (RUFF) by enjoying dog-friendly ice cream, provided by Crate Escape in Charlestown, in the North End dog park last week. Dozens of furry friends gathered in the park, spending an evening of rambunctious Read More…

Photos & Videos

RUFF Halloween Party in the Park [Photos]

The North End dog group RUFF held their Halloween Party in the Park at the dog park on Prince and Snow Hill Streets on Sunday, October 28. Dogs of all sizes and even some owners came dressed to impress! Photos courtesy of Frankie Boyer. “Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on Send in your photos via Read More…

Daily Briefs

Thursday’s Briefing: North Station Bar Plans, Library Fundraiser, Amazon 1-Hour Delivery?

What you should know for Thursday: Caught in the act! Neighborhood news across Boston: New owners of North Station sports bar would ditch sports, cater to area’s new well heeled residents The Boston Licensing Board will decide if the bar North Star is worthy of a transformation into a calmer and more “professional” establishment. Located at Read More…


Dozens Wandered to RUFF’s Ice Cream Social in DeFilippo (Gassy) Dog Park

Responsible Urbanites for Fido (RUFF) shared some photos from their event that brought about 30 dogs through the park to sample some refreshing treats. Crate Escape in Charlestown was their ice cream sponsor, catering to dogs and new RUFF members, who had a blast running around and enjoying some cooling refreshments!   Follow RUFF North End, the neighborhood dog owners group, on Facebook!

Community Health & Environment

DeFilippo (Gassy) Dog Park Design Presented to Neighborhood [Video]

The design phase for the DeFilippo (Gassy) Dog Park is nearing completion with construction expected later this Fall or early in 2017, according to Kelly Thomas, Dog Park Project Manager for the Boston Parks Department. Located on the ‘flights’ area of the Gassy, there are two fenced in terrace areas … larger dogs on the lower Read More…


Permanent Dog Park Planned for Gassy Flights [Video]

“The dog park pilot at Gassy Flights (DeFilippo Playground) went extremely well and has been approved by the City to be a permanent addition to the neighborhood,” said RUFF (Responsible Urbanites for Fido) President Leslie Horn at this month’s North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) meeting. “The feedback we have been received has been extraordinarily positive. We’re excited,” said Horn. Read More…