Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at 311.boston.gov. Overflowing Trash Can at De Filippo Playground This 311 user says, “Full trash barrel in lower level of the North End Dog Park 02113.” The original Read More…
Tag: DeFilippo Park
Weekend Brief: Fireworks, Spring Music Concert, Glow in the Park
Things to know for Friday Today is Friday, June 8 and if you’re looking for some great old school restaurants – check Galleria Umberto who was recently featured on Phantom Gourmet’s list of 8 great old school restaurants. Here’s what else you need to know for the weekend… 8:45 AM Eliot School Spring Music Concert. Read More…
Dog Park at Gassy Flights Taking Shape
The new dog park being constructed at DeFilippo Park (i.e., the Gassy) on the stepped flights is quickly moving toward completion. In just another week or so, the park will be ready for the dogs! Thanks to Janine Coppola for sharing these photos. “Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on NorthEndWaterfront.com. Submit your interesting photos using Read More…
DeFilippo (Gassy) Dog Park Design Presented to Neighborhood [Video]
The design phase for the DeFilippo (Gassy) Dog Park is nearing completion with construction expected later this Fall or early in 2017, according to Kelly Thomas, Dog Park Project Manager for the Boston Parks Department. Located on the ‘flights’ area of the Gassy, there are two fenced in terrace areas … larger dogs on the lower Read More…
Photos: Early 1970’s DeFilippo Park “The Gassy”
Boston Parks and Recreation Department is doing some research on the area of the Gassy (DeFilippo Park) by the Flights that is now a dog park. As part of that process, City Archives found these fascinating images from the early 1970’s. Check out the psychedelic mural on the Brinks Garage wall and the old style tot lot. Also Read More…
Movie Night at the Gassy Recognizes Steven Virgilio and Pizzeria Regina
DeFilippo Playground, or “the Gassy” was far from frozen on Wednesday night, but dozens of neighborhood kids and families packed the park to watch the Frozen movie on a humid July evening. Before the start of the movie, Steven Virgilio and Pizzeria Regina were recognized for their generosity to the movie night summer programs. Virgilio started movie nights in Read More…
Vandalism at New Dog Park, 48 Hours After Opening
Just days after the grand opening of the new dog park at the Flights in DeFilippo Park (i.e., the Gassy), a RUFF volunteer noticed some vandalism when they went to close up the park and lock the gates for the night. Not even 48 hours into the pilot, vandalism had taken place to the 250 pound Read More…
Dogs “Flea” the Streets, Head for New DeFilippo Dog Park
It has been a topic of discussion for years in the North End, what to do with the upper “flights” at DeFilippo Playground (the Gassy)? A neighborhood poll taken in 2011 showed that many residents thought that the upper levels could potentially be utilized as a dog park. The vision became a reality on May 1st, 2015 with the Read More…
RUFF Update: North End Dog Park Expected to Open May 1st
Residents and neighborhood pet owners walked their way to the Nazzaro Center for an update on the pilot dog park set to move into the flights of the DeFilippo playground, or “The Gassy.” If all goes as planned, the formation of the dog park will take place over the next couple of weeks, leading up to the opening Read More…
RUFF Pilot Dog Park in Gassy Set for Spring 2015
North End RUFF, Responsible Urbanites for Fido, held their monthly meeting to provide information regarding a pilot program for a dog park in the flights of, “the Gassy” officially known as, DeFilippo Park. All of those in attendance at the Nazzaro Center were paying full attention to the plans for the pilot program that will run through April, May and Read More…
RUFF Letter: Abutters Meeting for Pilot Dog Park at Flights in the Gassy
The following is an invitation letter from Responsible Urbanites for Fido (RUFF) inviting community feedback from neighborhood residents at their next meeting at the Nazzaro Center on October 14th at 7pm. Hoping to address the growing need for an off-leash, safe and legal place for residents to bring their dogs, the City of Boston and RUFF Read More…
Picture Puzzle: Winter in the Gassy
This week’s picture puzzle features a snowy scene at the Gassy playground. I found this one a bit harder because a lot of the jigsaw puzzle pieces look the same. But, I know you’ll be able to get it!