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What’s the 311? Resident Parking Concerns, Two Needles Found on Commercial St., Sept. 1 Moving Questions

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at

North End Resident Parking Access Concerns

This 311 user says, “With the recent restaurant patio openings on Hanover St and Salem St in the North End, a major portion of resident street parking was removed. As such, there is not enough street parking for North End residents. The purpose of this message is to make Boston officials aware of the unintended consequence of the patio openings, and hope to come to a solution. I definitely feel the patios should remain open as the restaurant health is essential, and residents should be given free parking access to local garages.”

The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on Monday, June 15, 2020 and remains open as of Tuesday, June 16, 2020.

Needle Clean-Up on Commercial Street

This 311 user says, “Needles right on the grass outside of tennis field left of the door.”

The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 at 7:08 p.m. and remains open as of Tuesday, June 16, 2020 at 8:15 p.m.

Moving Concerns on Prince St.

This 311 user writes, “Is there a plan for allowing North End residents to move in and out of apartments on Sept. 1 in the midst of all the outdoor restaurant seating? We have a very limited window for moving out of our current North End apartment and into a new one down the street, and are concerned about how we will be able to carry couches, mattress, etc. through all the restaurant seating that is right outside our door. Who can we talk to about this?”

The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on June 14, 2020 and remains open as of June 16, 2020.

Remember, to report a claim with 311, you can call 311, go to the 311 websitetweet at 311, or download the app. What do you think about these 311 cases? Follow our “What’s The 311?” tag to see past week’s postings!

2 Replies to “What’s the 311? Resident Parking Concerns, Two Needles Found on Commercial St., Sept. 1 Moving Questions

  1. I spoke with the North End liaison person from City Hall, John Romano. He told me that they are giving free parking passes to Government Center garage for residents of 52 – 139 Salem Street or 13 – 381 Hanover Street. If you are lucky enough to live on one of those streets, I would suggest reaching out to him to learn how you can obtain a pass. The rest of us will have to suffer with trying to find parking each night.

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