Community Health & Environment

What’s the 311? North St. Trash, Commercial St. Broken Sidewalk

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at Residential Trash out Illegally on North St This 311 user says, “Out illegally in front of 336 North St. The North End trash should not be Read More…

Featured Health & Environment

What’s the 311? Dog Poop on Salutation St., Basketball at Polcari Playground, Needle Found at Copps Hill Terrace, Mirabella Pool Graffiti

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at Pet Owner Pick Up on Salutation Street This 311 user writes, “Please have this removed! Every single day between the urine and dog feces can’t walk Read More…

Featured Health & Environment

What’s The 311? Trash, Bikes, and Homeless

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at Abandoned Bicycles at Salem St. & Prince St. This 311 user says, “2 bikes have been attached to gate at electric power plant, they’ve been there Read More…

Featured Health & Environment

What’s the 311? Graffiti at Cutillo and Dog Parks, Fireworks, Helicopters, Social Distancing

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at Graffiti at Cutillo and Dog Parks Graffiti in the swing set area of Cutillo Park off of Morton St in North End. Same “tagging” that was Read More…

Community Featured

What’s the 311? City is Fireworks Warzone, Social Distancing Concerns, Looking for Trash Barrel

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at City is Fireworks Warzone Why am I paying taxes to fund a city government and police department when the city is a non-stop fireworks warzone? I Read More…

Community Featured Health & Environment

What’s the 311? Resident Parking Concerns, Two Needles Found on Commercial St., Sept. 1 Moving Questions

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at North End Resident Parking Access Concerns This 311 user says, “With the recent restaurant patio openings on Hanover St and Salem St in the North End, Read More…

Featured Health & Environment

What’s the 311? Thacher St. Noise Complaints, Public Disturbance on Hanover St., Jackson Ave. Damaged Sign, Tree Trimming Needed at DeFilippo Park

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at Loud Noise Complaint on Thacher St. This 311 user says, ” Extremely loud booms coming from general area in North End.” The original 311 post can Read More…

Community Featured Health & Environment

What’s the 311? Illegal Dumping on Endicott St., Property Protection Concerns

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at Illegal Dumping on Endicott Street This 311 user says, “Illegal dumping. Somebody is dumping home appliances and remodeling debris in front of our property at 219, Read More…

Featured Health & Environment

What’s the 311? Salem St. Trash, Mask Questions in North Sq., Endicott St. Pothole

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at Residential Trash out Illegally at 209 Salem St This 311 user says, “Get people out to ticket. There is trash all over the North End!” The Read More…

Featured Health & Environment

What’s the 311? Park Debris Left on Commercial St., Endicott St. Trash, North St. Recycle Bin Overflowing

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at Park Trash Left at 510 Commercial Street North End This 311 user says, “Park was mowed Tuesday and looks great, but branches and trash were left Read More…

Featured Health & Environment

What’s the 311? Homeless Loitering on Hanover St., Turkeys in Christopher Columbus Park, Trash Out Early

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at Homeless Loitering on Hanover Street This 311 user says, “Homeless person has set up a homeless hotel behind this pink curtain please come by and disperse Read More…

Featured Health & Environment

What’s the 311? Public Disturbance on Tileston St., Damaged Sign on Moon St., Thank You to Parks Department

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at Public Disturbance at 52 Tileston Street This 311 user says, “Have seen a lot of vagrants in the North End lately. Pretty surprised that the residents Read More…