Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at 311.boston.gov.
Traffic Signal at Battery St North End Boston
This 311 user says, “New crosswalk signal sound installed on Commercial and Battery Street. This sound goes off every 20 seconds and is loud enough to hear from the third floor of an apartment. Can this be turned down??”
The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on December 30, 2019 and remains open as of December 31, 2019.
Overflowing Trash Can at Intersection Of Thacher St & Endicott St
This 311 user writes, “This is the problem with the new trash schedule. People put their trash out the night before now because of the earlier pick up time. So homeless and others go through and tear open more trash bags which means used needles and other trash end up all over the sidewalks. This is a problem. This picture is outside 160 Endicott Street in the north end.”
The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted, opened, and closed on December 30, 2019 with the following note, “Closed with status: Case Resolved. Cited.”
Road Markings Needed on Atlantic Ave.
This 311 user writes, “Cars are driving on the wrong side of the road due to inadequate lane markings following the new paving. The west bound lane from Joe’s to the Greenway is one lane however it is not clear as the street has not yet been lined. There is serious risk of a head on crash occurring until double yellow lines are laid down.”
The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on November 17. It was closed on December 30, 2019 with the following note, “Closed with status: Case Resolved.”
Remember, to report a claim with 311, you can call 311, go to the 311 website, tweet at 311, or download the app. What do you think about these 311 cases? Follow our “What’s The 311?” tag to see past week’s postings!