Daily Briefs Featured

Memorial Day Brief: Remembering Those Who Died Serving, Stanley Cup Finals Start Tonight, Edwards to Run Uncontested

Today is Monday, May 27, Memorial Day. Today we remember the people who died while serving in our country’s armed forces.

The weather looks perfect for walking the Massachusetts Memorial Day Heroes Flag Garden at Boston Common. The North End VFW Post 144 will have a Mass at St. Stephen’s at 11 am, followed by a ceremony on Hanover Street. Also, the Freemasons Memorial Service at Copp’s Hill Burying Ground takes place at 10:30am.

Here’s what you need to know for the week ahead…

Notable News:

At least 3 City Council seats will be uncontested in fall

This past Tuesday was the last day for candidates in the nine district and four at-large seats to qualify for the upcoming election and at least three Boston city councilors are officially running uncontested including Lydia Edwards who represents Charlestown, the North End and East Boston, read more on the Boston Globe.

Luggage Labels

Last week there were terrific workshops at two North End Schools – the St. John School and the Eliot School. The fourth, fifth and sixth graders all put their heads down and enthusiastically created some fantastic luggage labels for the suitcase sculpture, continue reading on A and J Art and Design.

The Stanley Cup Finals Start Tonight:

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Plan your events with the Community Calendar:

Tuesday, May 28

Hanover Street Resurfacing Begins. Boston Public Works has posted the following signs to notify residents and businesses that Hanover Street resurfacing will begin on Tuesday, May 28th with the work lasting through June 6th. Crews will work primarily at night, 7pm to 4am, in order to expedite the job, see additional details here.

5:30fPM Reception for City Councilor Edwards. Stop by Il Molo on Commercial Street for a reception honoring District One City Councilor Lydia Edwards, see additional details here.

6:00PM The Hancock Mansion Project: Preserving History & Heritage. Join the North Bennet Street School at 150 North Street for a free, public lecture detailing the Hancock Mansion’s unique place as a catalyst for America’s preservation movement, and how North Bennet Street School students recreated the massive 10x10x13′ entryway, see additional details here.

From the Community:

Lecture: Bridging the Gap: Melnea Cass

Melnea Cass, the “First Lady (or Mayor) of Roxbury,” is well known for organizing the sit-ins over school segregation in Boston and leading the fights over urban renewal and highway construction in the South End and Roxbury, continue reading.

Need to submit a post? Great, start here!

Keep up with what’s happening on the Events Calendar.

Weather Forecast:

[wunderground numdays=”3″ layout=”table-horizontal” hidedata=”search” showdata=”alert,daynames,pop,icon,text,conditions,date,highlow”]

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2 Replies to “Memorial Day Brief: Remembering Those Who Died Serving, Stanley Cup Finals Start Tonight, Edwards to Run Uncontested

  1. Sadly, disrespectful deplorables stole the Bruins jersey we had on the statue of Columbus in Christopher Columbus Park. If anybody reading this knows who did it, would you please persuade them to return it and put it back on the statue? People were loving it.
    Thank ya!

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