
Friends of Cutillo Park Updates Presented to the Residents’ Association

Kirsten Hoffman of the Friends of Cutillo Park presented a few updates about the park, located between Stillman Street and Morton Street in the North End, at the May North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association meeting.

Watch Kirsten’s presentation in the video above and follow along with this timeline.

(0:56) There is an exhibit with historic photos on display at the Boston Harbor Pop-Up Museum on Causeway Street. The gallery is open daily from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

(2:35) Cutillo Park recently received a Love Your Block mini grant for $1,200. This will be used over the summer to make improvements to the park including reducing the height of some of the fencing and adding more plants. There will also be park clean-up events.

(3:13) The City of Boston has allocated $200,000 for planning future renovations to Cutillo Park. There’s also been an additional $25,000 allocated in the state budget to the Park.

The Friends of Cutillo Park‘s regular meetings are the last Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. For now the meetings are held at the Nazzaro Center, but as the weather gets nicer they may move to the park.