Boston Police District A-1 provided North End / Waterfront residents an update on recent neighborhood crime incidents, summarized below, at the February 2019 North End Public Safety Meeting.
*Salem St. Brawl Update: 2/5/19 (post-parade): Twelve suspects have been identified by police. Suspects to meet with police this upcoming week, to be charged with an affray. Additional charges may be added as the investigation continues.
Aggravated Assaults (2)
– 2/5/19 at 3:15 p.m. (Salem Street): Police officers responded to an assault & battery in progress at Salem and Parmenter Streets. Victim reported he was sitting in his vehicle and was struck over the forehead with a glass bottle. The two known suspects, one of whom was threatening the victim through the window with a small knife, then fled on foot. The victim further stated he had a verbal argument with the suspects earlier in the day over a parking issue.
– 2/5/19 at 6 p.m. (224 Hanover Street): Police officers responded to Hanover Street for a female victim struck in the head with a bottle inside the suspect’s apartment. A witness, friend of the parties involved, stated they had been drinking alcohol all day following the Super Bowl parade. The suspect became violent toward the victim and struck her with the bottle. Suspect placed under arrest for assault & battery with a dangerous weapon (glass bottle). Victim transported to MGH for treatment of a severe laceration to the forehead.
Breaking & Entering – Residence (1)
– 1/20/19 at 2:30 a.m. (14 Cooper Street / 15 Bartlett Place): Male suspect placed under arrest for breaking & entering (residence) and attempted breaking & entering (residence) of another building. Police officers responded to a breaking & entering in progress at a Cooper Street building. Suspect had broken through a bedroom window and ran out the front door of the residence. Prior, the same suspect attempted to gain entrance through a kitchen window of a Bartlett Place building, but was unsuccessful. Suspect placed under arrest after being found on Endicott Street.
Breaking & Entering – Commercial (3)
– 1/5/19 at 4:30 a.m. (342 Hanover Street – 7-Eleven): Front door to establishment was smashed with a brick. Packs of cigarettes were strewn across the floor (some of which were possibly stolen).
– 1/9/19 at 7 a.m. (585 Commercial Street): Construction company supervisor reports that, overnight, an unknown person entered through a rear temporary window of a school under construction. Removed from the building was a mitre electric saw (valued at $300).
– 1/11/19 at 1:40 a.m. (241 Hanover Street – Bricco): Former employee allegedly broke into establishment and transferred $2,200 from restaurant’s account to credit cards and gift cards.
Larcenies (2)
– 1/4/19 at 12:30 a.m. (125 Salem Street): Victim reports she had a cleaning company in to clean her Salem Street apartment. The victim further stated she left for an hour while she let them clean, leaving her purse and wallet inside the apartment. When she returned, the purse was still there, but wallet had been stolen. Wallet contained U.S. currency and personal papers. When questioned, the cleaners denied any knowledge of a stolen wallet.
– 1/27/19 at 7 p.m. (218 Hanover Street – CVS): Male suspect ran into the store, stole 4-5 bottles of a hair product and fled on foot.
*Arrests (7)*
– Breaking & Entering – Residence
– Breaking & Entering – Commercial
– Assault & Battery / Disturbing the Peace
– Weapon (Firearm): 2/2/19 at 8:46 a.m. (39 Cooper Street): Landlord heard woman screaming. Victim said her male companion had a firearm. Officers responded and noticed part of a gun protruding from the suspect’s clothing. He did not have a license to carry. Arrest was made. Suspect claimed it was his third gun charge.
– Aggravated Assault & Battery
– Assault & Battery (2)
David Marx hosts the monthly Public Safety meeting with Boston Police District A-1. North End Public Safety Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, 6 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street. All are welcome to attend and bring their questions. See the Community Calendar for upcoming meeting dates.
What the heck,,what is the north end turning into? Never in a million years would I ever think this was happening in the north end,, don’t get me wrong we had our share of problems it wasn’t Xanadu but we had respect and it seems to me the respect in the neighborhood has gone down the toilets,, sin,, I just can’t,, my heart breaks for what the north end has turned into,,
Jo,not sure why your surprised at the NE turning into “animal house” it’s been happening slowly but surely for years and the cause is the greed and pursuit of the almighty DOLLAR.
Ok, I’ll be the one to point this out.
MichaelD, who grew up in the North End, says that the North End is slowly turning into an animal house.
At the same time, he claims that the weddings and funerals he goes to – presumably involving people who also grew up here – routinely involve fights which end up with people knocked out and worse. (See his comments here: https://northendwaterfront.com/2019/02/patriots-fans-fighting-on-salem-street/)
Can’t have it both ways, Mike. Do you and your people routinely knock each other out at weddings and funerals? Or do you think the North End is *now* turning into an animal house?
You need dollars to pay high tax and utility bills.
Roy, I never said the people I grew up with routinely knocked out people at weddings and funerals. I simply said it happened regularly and that I witnessed some of it. Ask people about attending the Saint
Patrick’s day parade or the old “Irish wakes” or attending a Bruins game. Yes I grew up in the NE and although we had some warts the neighborhood was NEVER out of control like it is today. The NE of yester year was safe and protected not like the jungle it has turned into. I will let anyone lecture me about the NE of the past unless they grew up and lived here then.
I meant not lecture me. Sorry.
I see a bigger issue that has found its way to the North End. Bums like these fools feel safe carrying on like this. They will receive reprimand and then sent on their way. It was watching the Blue Blood series and can see the difference between generations of cops and the society that they have to work within. The old guard had an affinity for the baton. When I was a kid, I was walking home from a movie with a friend and we had to pass a city square where a sketchy looking crew hung out, we gave it a wide birth when we saw this very large cop on foot patrol. We felt a little more confident in taking the more direct route through the square. As we started, this one hippie runs up to the cop and screams “Pig” at the top of his lungs. Looking at the size of this cop, I remember thinking that this guy is a real idiot. And sure enough, the cop quietly took out the baton and destroyed this guy and then continued on his way. I often think we don’t have foot patrols today to avoid confrontation. Can you imagine what would happen to a cop if this happened today? If we have animal house, then we have what we asked for
Absolutely The old. beat cop put a shoe up my ass many a time and it was always deserved. But looking back I grew and learned from it.