Community Health & Environment

What’s The 311? Asphalt in the Prado, Needles Around the North End, Loose Bricks on Hanover Street

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at

Asphalt Put Into The Prado Between Bricks and Concrete

“Someone put asphalt on the historic Prado!!!! Who would do this?”

Asphalt in the Prado between bricks and concrete.
Asphalt in the Prado between bricks and concrete.

The original 311 post can be found here. This case was submitted and opened on May 30th, 2018. As of May 30th, 2018 the case is still open.

Reported Needle Not Retrieved Near Cross St. and Salem St

Needle found by 311 user

“At corner of Cross St and Salem St. Next to bike hub.”

The original 311 post can be found here. This case was submitted and opened on May 28th, 2018. It was then closed later that same day with the following message: “Closed with status: Case Resolved. After a through search of the area I was unable to recover the syringe at this location.”

Four Needles Found and Retrieved on Endicott Street

“4 needles outside of 177 Endicott Street, bear the corner of north margin street, and opposite Endicott court.”

Four needles were reported on Endicott Street. 311 found all four of them.

The original 311 post can be found here. This case was submitted and opened on May 24th, 2018. The case was closed later that same day with the following message: “Closed with status: Case Resolved. Recovered 4 needles at location SL jt.”

Upheaved Bricks on Hanover Street

Loose bricks on Hanover Street

No Comment was given on the original 311 post.

The original 311 post can be found here. This case was submitted and opened on May 14th, 2018. The case was closed on May 30th, 2018 with the following message: “Closed with status: Case Noted. A case was made to Pwd to close the tree pit as it is too close to the street light.”

Remember, to report a claim with 311, you can call 311, go to the 311 websitetweet at 311, or download the app. What do you think about these 311 cases? Follow our “What’s The 311?” tag to see past week’s postings!

10 Replies to “What’s The 311? Asphalt in the Prado, Needles Around the North End, Loose Bricks on Hanover Street

  1. I saw the tree pit after it was “closed” because too close to a power pole. City dumped asphalt onto it. I’m not kidding.

    Funny how the trees can’t ever be replaced. But there is plenty of room to add tacky cell phone boxes all over.

    Not funny, too, how many 311 needle complaints I’ve seen or posted myself that result in the needles not being found.

  2. Wonder if there is a connection between the lousy public works being done and al the needles.

  3. The sidewalks in the North End are disgusting. People are walking the Freedom Trail and brick are missing It’s an area that all tourist go to, where is the city? Garbage is left on the streets and we have to walk around it.
    I love the North End it’s my second home but it gets filthier every year. I have never been to a city that doesn’t seem to care about their image.

    1. Ever walk through City Hall Plaza? Missing bricks trash you name it and it has been that way for years.What would lead you to believe that the City is concerned with cleaning up the NE? The politicians will say all the right things but nothibg ever gets down.The City isn’t concerned with the trash left by tourists only the $$$$ they drop here.

    2. I know the bricks are charming, but let’s not forget where we live. This is a cold, wet climate, plus these bricks see lots of corrosive salt during the winter. Between high traffic, frost heaves and water seepage and erosion of the under layer, it will take continues maintenance of every brick in the North End. It comes down to a choice between charm and functionality.

  4. The bricks are loose down the waterfront as well…..loose bricks everywhere, and garbage… What happened to our north end???

  5. It doesn’t help that there are so few trash barrels. Even if we clean up the trash left in front our homes there is no place too put it. I’m not keen on taking other people’s trash up 4 flights to my apt to store up to 4 days. There’s no choice but to leave it for public works who can’t keep up with it.

  6. Listen to me !!!!! This is NOT A STREET PROBLEM TO PROTECT THE TOURISTS !!!!!!!!!!

    You want to see photos~~~~~~I have a room full of them !!!!!! Especially ( the Mishaps ) where OUR RESIDENTS WALK EVERY DAY !!! Young and Old North End people HAVE TO ~~~~~~DEAL WITH IT !!
    IF AND WHEN the City does finally answer the report, they toss some loose black gravel down, and simply pound it like a chicken cutlet !!!! Shame on BOSTON !!!! The Mayor wants to make BOSTON a “WOULD CLASS CITY” ????? Well Mr. Mayor~~~~~~START AT THE BOTTOM !!!!

  7. Janet Gilardi
    Janet Gilardi BELIEVE ME~~~~~~~~The Politicians can only bring our pleas to the meeting~~~it goes NOWHERE FROM THERE !!! Unless the Mayor decides to do something about OUR NEEDS~~~~It all falls on DEAF EARS !!! If the elected officials are turned “OFF” by City Hall, they have to keep quiet and stay on the Mayor’s good side !! That’s Politics !! No matter how energetic a new elected official will be, their hands are tied !!
    Like · Reply · 3m
    Janet Gilardi
    Janet Gilardi You younger people HAVE TO~~~~GET ON YOUR HORSES AND RIDE~~~~~It is up to your generation now DO IT !!!
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