Featured Health & Environment

Flooding & Climate Change Readiness – Seeking Data and Information

The Bomb Cyclone Storm of Jan. 4 left damage in its wet wake all along the local coast. You are invited to help others understand just where and how the North End experienced this storm. Our ability to educate ourselves more thoroughly about storm effects strengthens our sense of climate change readiness in the future.

Information about damage and destruction comes most thoroughly from the observations and experiences of residents. Do you know of damage/outages/service interruptions? Vehicles damaged or totaled? Structural issues? As the area begins to thaw, further damage evidence is likely to emerge. Know that this data gathering is ongoing. Thanks for taking the time to share what you know.

Please email information to wearebostonswaterfront@gmail.com with Bomb Cyclone Storm Damage in the Subject line. No source names will be published without permission.

Video: Meeting updates on flooding and climate change readiness in the North End / Waterfront – February 8, 2018 NEWRA meeting


Additional related information:

Boston Agonizes Over How to Protect Itself From Future Storms

We Are Boston’s Waterfront

What Happened? Sorting Through the January 2018 “Bomb Cyclone” Flood Data and Outlook

Climate Ready Boston Progress

Storm Surge Brings Record Flooding to Waterfront Areas [Photos]

Your storm damage experience also is welcomed by the City of Boston via the following:

Office of Environment, Energy and Open Space
City of Boston
Mia G. Mansfield
Climate Ready Boston Program Manager
617.635.1861 (w)