Anthony Gaita, owner of “Anthony’s Café on the Waterfront,” is this month’s winner of the September 2010 Good Neighbor Recognition Award, awarded by the Clean Streets Committee of the North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association. The monthly award is researched and voted on by committee members and awarded to local businesses and property owners that consistently keep their sidewalks and gutters clean of trash and debris.
Tony has owned the restaurant since 1992. He or his mother Rosa Gaita sweep the sidewalk and gutter every morning at 5:00 AM — 7 days a week. They also own property on Henchman Street, where they sweep as well. He says it’s something his parents have taught him, to take pride in your property, your business, and your neighborhood. He appreciates being acknowledged for his efforts.
In the photo is Tina Busa, representing the Clean Streets Committee, presenting the award to Anthony Gaita, owner of “Anthony’s Cafe on the Waterfront” on the corner of Fleet & Commercial Streets.