Real Estate

Parcels 7 & 9 RFP Advisory Committee – Notice for 2nd Meeting

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation

Invites you to the 2nd meeting of the:

Parcel 7 and Parcel 9 RFP Advisory Committee

Wednesday, September 29th – 6:00pm

Mariner’s House –11 North Street, Boston

The purpose of the advisory committee is to advise MassDot in their preparation for Request for Proposals for the development and use of both parcels.

Parcel 7 is located between Hanover Street and Sudbury Street in the City of Boston and currently houses Ventilation Building number 4 and a Parking Garage.  Parcel 9 is located between John Fitzgerald Surface Road and Blackstone Street, adjacent to the Haymarket Pushcart Vendors, in the City of Boston and currently is vacant.

For more information, please contact John Romano, MassDOT Municipal Liaison at (617) 973-7028 or

The Mariner’s House is accessible. To request language or access accommodations, please contact John Romano at the above email address or phone number. Please share this notice with others who may be interested.