Police & Fire

Weekly North End / Waterfront Police Blotter

Boston Police, BPD LogoSelected incidents from this week’s Boston Police Journal Log for the North End / Waterfront neighborhood:

09/20/10 1:20am
Male suspect struck the victim with an umbrella on Prince St. and stole his hand held computer.

Breaking & Entering (commercial)
09/19/10 10:30am- 4:45pm
Lewis Wharf office suite was entered through a rear kitchen window and removed from the building was a laptop and computer bag.

Larceny ( Bike )
09/21/10 7:00pm-7:00am
Victim reports on Salem St. his “HotRock” black and silver BMX bike was stolen while locked to a street light pole.

View the full police journal log for the North End/Waterfront (pdf).