Boston City Council will be holding a hearing to discuss excessive noise levels in the city. Councilor Edwards, representing District One, agrees this is an important issue for our neighborhood, as we are located close to TD Garden and are also a big tourist destination. According to the City’s website, any noise louder than 50 Read More…
Tag: Noise
Boston Council Passes Scooter Ordinance; Discusses City Noise Levels
The Boston City Council passed an ordinance regarding scooters during a recent city council meeting. The unanimously-passed ordinance sets new rules and regulations to emerging scooter and other micro mobility companies. “This is really exciting and an incredibly important step,” said Councilor Matt O’Malley. O’Malley said he supports scooters in Boston because it gets people Read More…
Residents Bear Hours of Circling Plane Noise During Garden Game
The good news: If you were at the Garden for Game 2 on Tuesday night, the Celtics took down the Cavs for the win, 107 -94, now ahead 2-0 in the Eastern Conference finals. The bad news: If you were not at the game, but just living in the North End / Waterfront or Downtown Read More…
Your Guide to Boston Noise and Traffic is Here
A new tool is available that could provide some interesting truths about noise and traffic in Boston. Although it is still in its early stages of development, Total Home Score is a resource designed for prospective home buyers or renters to better understand hidden factors that may ultimately impact their decisions about where to live. Liberty Read More…
Community Noise Survey Digs into Health Issues
A noise survey is available for Boston residents to fill out at this link, taking about 5 minutes. “Noise and the City” is part of a research project by Erica Walker, Doctoral Candidate at Harvard’s Department of Public Health. The survey aims to associate health issues with noise exposure, including the temporal nature of noise. It also Read More…
Callahan Tunnel Site Meeting Brings Out Residents
Residents pursuing remediation for trench noise at the entrance of the Callahan Tunnel have provided the following update after a meeting with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. A big thank you to all those who attended the Callahan Tunnel Trench Noise Remediation meeting! A special thanks to MassDOT representatives and other local, city, and state Read More…
Boston’s “Top Cop” Commissioner Ed Davis Speaks to North End Chamber of Commerce and Receives Appreciation Plaque [Video]
The North End Chamber of Commerce welcomed Police Commissionor Ed Davis, affectionately known as Boston’s Top Cop, at Tuesday’s meeting where he spoke about neighborhood public safety. The Commissioner also talked about his experience and police response after the Boston Marathon attacks. Specific to the North End, Commissioner Davis addressed recent efforts to increase enforcement Read More…
POSTPONED: Overnight Weekend Closures and Paving on I-93N and Sumner Tunnel Ramps in North End Expected to be Noisy
6/28/13 UPDATE: Due to the rain forecast, this work has been postponed. New dates will be distributed when available. The following flyer is being distributed by MassDOT in the area of Endicott, Stillman, Cooper, N. Margin and Cross Streets in the North End. In addition to the ramps being closed overnight, MassDOT is preparing residents Read More…
Inspectional Services Discusses Rooftops, Rental Units and Code Enforcement at Public Safety Meeting [Video]
[responsive_youtube] Video: Inspectional Services at North End Public Safety Meeting, June 6, 2013 Coming off the latest North End rooftop incident as well as the fatal Allston fire, the Public Safety Committee invited Latifa Ali, Community Liaison from Inspectional Services Department (ISD) to engage residents on current issues. (00:00 in video) Rooftop and inspection Read More…
Helicopter Hullabaloo
I understand compromises come with city life. But why does this helicopter hover over us often at sunrise, sometimes for at least ten minutes? It is no stranger to the ‘hood, thumping overhead of late at 6:20 to 6:30am – with the promise of arriving ever earlier as the days lengthen. I live in the Read More…
Sal LaMattina Updates Neighborhood Council on North End Issues and 2013 Priorities [Video]
City Councilor Sal LaMattina gave a “State of the North End” update at the February 25, 2013 meeting of the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). LaMattina represents District 1, including the North End, Charlestown and East Boston and is one of the primary conduits between NEWNC, Boston City Hall and city agencies. Councilor Read More…
Boston Police District A-1 Speak to Residents’ Association on Quality of Life and Licensing Issues
Boston Police District A-1 Captain Thomas Lee and Sergeant Thomas Lema spoke to the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) regarding enforcement of the recently passed Nuisance Control Ordinance and how they are dealing with neighborhood quality of life issues. Much of the discussion centered around late night noise, loud parties, alcohol license closing Read More…