From Grace is a 45-foot sloop that arrived Memorial Day at Boston Yacht Haven with shredded sails wrapped around its mast, stays, spreaders, and rigging, and a cockpit console had been racked loose by men trying to hold on for their lives. As the yachting season gets underway with multi-million dollar, spit-shined vessels starting to dock Read More…
Author: David Arnold
Neighborhood Photo: Sartorial Splendor
Cathy Ricci of 185 Fulton St. and David Arnold of 63 Atlantic Ave. proudly model the newest trend in footwear fashion yesterday. Just remember you saw it first in the North End. “Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on Did you take an interesting photo in or around Boston’s North End / Waterfront? Have Read More…
Do All the JFK Building Lights Need to Be On at 5:50 am?
I do a fair amount of speaking about climate change and the seawater headed my way, and the one question that always comes up is: “But what can I do?” One thing you could do right now is email Sen. Edward Markey and Sen. Elizabeth Warren and ask: “Why do we need all the lights Read More…
Neighborhood Photo: Old North at Sunrise
Tuesday’s fleeting sunrise over the spire of Old North Church. Photograph by David Arnold. “Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on Did you take an interesting photo in or around Boston’s North End / Waterfront? Have it featured by emailing it to Please include a title, date taken and a sentence or two describing the Read More…
Commentary: Why Fewer and Fewer People Stroll the Waterfront With Me
They see magnificent luxury. I see giant carbon footprints. In this picture you see six luxury yachts. You don’t see their tanks of fuel totaling approximately 200,000 gallons of diesel (estimate provided by deckhands on two of the yachts). Nor do you see the handful who pay the big bucks for the big boat rides. Read More…
Helicopter Hullabaloo
I understand compromises come with city life. But why does this helicopter hover over us often at sunrise, sometimes for at least ten minutes? It is no stranger to the ‘hood, thumping overhead of late at 6:20 to 6:30am – with the promise of arriving ever earlier as the days lengthen. I live in the Read More…
Winter Nor’Easter Brings Wicked High Tide to Lewis Wharf Marina Houseboats
The Euclid winter nor’easter brought fierce wind and rain to Boston along with a wicked high tide to the North End waterfront, as shown here at the now famous Lewis Wharf houseboat marina. These images are under consideration for the next houseboat rental brochure and one of the latest examples of sea level rise in Boston Read More…
Neighborhood Photo: Prince Christmas Tree and Boston Skyline at Sunset
This Christmas tree on upper side of the Prince Building can be seen from much of the North End / Waterfront. Just after sunset, it is quite a sight with the Boston skyline in the background. Did you take a great photo? Send it in.
Exciting Waterfront Living Opportunity at Lewis Wharf!
Historic Lewis Wharf is adding a floating trailer park! Perfect for discerning tenants who want a unique introduction to Boston’s seafaring history. The newly arrived dwellings, resembling stacked lobster traps, celebrate conformity and already appear to be reproducing. Each little gem offers a captivating low tide view of seaweed-covered granite walls and Lewis Wharf residents Read More…