Daily Briefs

Weekend Brief: Coffee Hour with Lydia Edwards, Hearing on Parking Fines, NBSS Graduation Parade

Things to know for Friday Today is Friday, June 1 and starting at 11 a.m., the North Bennet Street School’s Class of 2018 will be parading through the North End to their graduation at the Old North Church, continue reading.  Here’s what else you need to know for today… 10:00AM Coffee Hour with Councilor Edwards. Read More…

Daily Briefs

Thursday’s Brief: NEWRA Meeting, Adult Story Time, Mike’s Pastry Fire

Things to know for Thursday Your daily roundup for Thursday, January 11: 12:30PM Let Me Tell You A Story at West End Library. Join the West End Library at 151 Cambridge Street for the rare pleasure of being read to. Take a break from your work day to enjoy a short story or two every Read More…

Daily Briefs

Weekend Brief: New Years Eve Happenings, Food Network Finds, A Festive Farewell to the Holidays

Things to know for Friday Your daily roundup for Friday, December 29: As this is our last daily brief of the 2017 calendar year, the NorthEndWaterfront.com team would like to thank you for your continued patronage to both our community and this website, and wish you a happy and healthy new year! A Festive Farewell Read More…

Daily Briefs

Weekend Brief: St. Leonard’s Reopening, Helicopter Santa, New Dog Park, Tea Party, Christmas Concert, Peace Walk

Things to know for Friday Your daily roundup for Friday, December 15: 2:00PM It’s a Wonderful Life Movie at North End Library. Join the North End Library at 25 Parmenter Street for the heartwarming 1946 holiday classic, It’s a Wonderful Life.  Notable News: Six years later, Andover double murder remains unsolved It has been six Read More…

Daily Briefs

Weekend Guide: Center Plaza Sold, Saturday Evening Girls, Local Events Rundown!

Things to know for Thursday Events for Friday, April 21 12:30pm Pasquetta Holiday at ABCD North End / West End NSC, 1 Michelangelo Street. Pasquetta is Easter Monday, which is an important holiday in Italy! We are celebrating on a Friday instead due to the Patriot’s Day holiday. 1:00pm Paul Revere House: A Visit with Paul Revere. David Connor Read More…

Daily Briefs

Wednesday’s Briefing: Sail Boston Meeting, Trillium’s Greenway Beer Garden, Mike’s Third Location

Here’s what you need to know Events for Wednesday, April 19th: 12:00pm Improv Asylum Hosts NEAD Vacation Family Show. The Improv Asylum on Hanover Street will once again host an awesomely funny Family Improv Comedy Show for North End Against Drugs (NEAD) during April School Vacation. More information. 1:00pm Paul Revere House: “Your Own, Paul Read More…

Daily Briefs

Tuesday’s Guide: Mike’s Pastry Robbed, North Square Oyster, Prado Improvements, ZLC Meeting

Things to know for Tuesday https://www.instagram.com/p/BR_rUgqg6xc/ Enjoy the following articles from alternate sources:  Mike’s Pastry Worker Robbed Of Money Bag In North End Monday morning, a Mike’s Pastry employee was on her way to make a deposit at Citizens Bank when she was approached by a man on the sidewalk. Right on Hanover Street, the man grabbed her Read More…

Photos & Videos

Neighborhood Photo: Snowfall & Sweets in the North End

The snow was short-lived changing to rain this weekend. Ruth Marchese captures the sleet amid the bright lights of Hanover Street and Mike’s Pastry, titling this photo Snowfall & Sweets. Photo by Ruth Marchese “Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on NorthEndWaterfront.com. Did you take an interesting photo in or around Boston’s North End / Waterfront? Have Read More…


Mangia, Mangia! St. John School Hosts Spaghetti Dinner

St. John School held our first annual Back to School Spaghetti Dinner in our school’s cafeteria.  Our families enjoyed getting to know some of our new friends and catching up with some of our old friends. During the spaghetti dinner, The Hanover Pops Choir entertained our families with an amazing array of music and the Read More…