Community People

Friends of the North End Celebrate 48th Reunion Virtually

On what would have been the 48th reunion of the Friends of the North End (FONE), the group celebrated virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Opening prayer was led by Gus Pesaturo: My message remains the same, God commands we pray for one another. As I walk through the North End and reminisce, I Read More…


Friends of the North End 47th Reunion

The Friends of the North End celebrated its 47th annual reunion on Saturday, September 21st at the Sons of Italy Hall in Winchester, MA. 130 boyhood friends gathered to renew friendships and reminisce about a cherished neighborhood. One attendee summed up the reunion by saying, “This is magical!” There’s nothing more to be said. A 50/50 Read More…

People Sports

Friends of the North End Wrap Up Spring Bocce Season

The Friends Of The North End (F0NE), completed their 13th annual spring bocce season on Sunday, June 16th. After six weeks of play, team #3 won first place in the tournament. The winning team was led by Captain Willie Celata along with players: Anthony Antidormi, Natale DeMarco and Mike Romano. As usual, the games were Read More…


Friends of the North End Annual Christmas Dinner [Photos]

The Friends of the North End held their annual “La Festa dei Sette Pesci”, Feast of the Seven Fishes, on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at the Sons of Italy in Winchester. Cooking for the Festa were master chefs Vito Aluia and Joe Blazo, assisting in the kitchen were Paul LaVecchia, Frank Marino and Sam Viscione. Read More…

Community People Photos & Videos

Friends of the North End 46th Reunion [Photos]

On Saturday, September 15th, 152 North Enders celebrated the 46th annual reunion of the Friends of the North End at the Sons of Italy in Winchester. A wonderful and heartwarming ambiance permeated the hall as old friends convened to reminisce about a cherished boyhood and a unique neighborhood. Special thanks to Sam Viscione and Arthur Lauretano Read More…

Announcements Event Notices

Friends of the North End 46th Reunion on September 15

On Saturday, September 15th, the Friends of the North End will hold its 46th annual reunion at the Sons of Italy Hall 117 Swanton Street in Winchester. The reunion will start at 2 p.m. and dinner will be served at 3:30 p.m. catered by Spinelli’s of East Boston. It is a great opportunity for boyhood friends to Read More…

People Sports

Friends of the North End Spring / Summer Bocce Banquet

Friends Of The North End (FONE) held their bocce banquet on Tuesday, June 5th, to celebrate the end of the 2018 Spring / Summer tournament. This event was held at the Flaming Grill Buffet Restaurant in Revere, MA and attended by FONE bocce players and members. Members of the winning Team #1 – Vito Aluia, Natale DeMarco, Frank Read More…

Featured Sports

Friends of the North End Fall Bocce Season Underway

The Friends Of The North End began their 11th annual fall bocce season last Sunday, September 24th. The season will continue until Sunday, October 29th, followed by an award ceremony banquet. Friends Of The North End was established in 1972 by a few boyhood friends who grew up together in the North End. Today there Read More…