Announcements Event Notices

Friends of the North End 46th Reunion on September 15

On Saturday, September 15th, the Friends of the North End will hold its 46th annual reunion at the Sons of Italy Hall 117 Swanton Street in Winchester. The reunion will start at 2 p.m. and dinner will be served at 3:30 p.m. catered by Spinelli’s of East Boston.

It is a great opportunity for boyhood friends to gather and reminisce about a cherished neighborhood. The cost to attend is $60 per person, which includes the meal and wine at each table. There will also be a cash bar available.

If you plan to attend, please send a $60 check by September 8 payable to:

Sam Viscione
20 Hillcrest Road
Burlington, MA 01803

Our reunion has become very popular over the past several years; so in order to plan properly we will not be able to honor any checks or cash payments after the September 8th deadline.

Coppola’s Challenge: There were four owners of Frank’s Bar and Restaurant at the corner of Hanover and Tileston Streets when most of us were growing up in the North End. Name as many as you can when you mail in your payment! All respondees with the correct answer will have their names placed in a hat and the winner of the 2018 Woz Award will be drawn at the reunion. Good luck!

For many years the Friends of the North End have been making contributions to several worthy North End organizations including North End Against Drugs, North End Athletic Association, St. John School, the Nazzaro Center, North End Music and Performing Arts Center, and St. Leonard’s Church. To help further that endeavor, there will be a 50/50 drawing at the reunion this year with proceeds going equally to the aforementioned organizations.