Community People

Friends of the North End “South” Gather for 8th Annual Reunion

On Sunday, March 6th, seventy-one North Enders assembled in Del Ray Beach, Fl. to celebrate the 8th annual reunion of the Friends of the North End South. The reunion is organized by Camille and Louie Gilardi each year. Their time and effort in keeping this tradition ongoing is sincerely appreciated by all those who attended. The Read More…

Community Photos & Videos

Friends of the North End Hold Annual Christmas Bocce Tournament

The “Friends of the North End” kicked off their annual Christmas Bocce Tournament on Sunday at the indoor courts of the Steriti Rink. Sixteen Friends took part in this annual event. The competition was spirited and the fun was enjoyed by all the players. The tournament will continue through the month of December and informal Read More…

Community People Photos & Videos

43rd Annual Reunion Celebrated by Friends of the North End [Photos]

The Friends of the North End recently celebrated their 43rd annual reunion at the Sons of Italy Hall in Winchester.  This year’s reunion was attended by 180 North Enders and was dedicated to Joseph “Dom Di Magg” Campochiaro. Dom was a friend, coach and mentor to practically all in attendance. Much of his memorabilia was Read More…

Community Sports

Friends of the North End Annual Fall Bocce Tournament

The Friends of the North End Annual Bocce Tournament got under way on Sunday, September 20th at the outdoor courts in the North End. 30 members took part in the annual event. Commissioner Sam Viscione and his assistant Charlie Marino arrived early to groom the courts and set the schedule of matches. Victor Passacantilli was Read More…

Community Sports

VFW Post 144 Hosts Soldiers Home Bocce Tournament [Photos]

On Thursday, August 13, VFW Post 144 of the North End sponsored their 3rd Annual Bocce Tournament at the outdoor courts adjacent to Andrew Puopolo Park. The purpose of the tournament is to show respect to and honor the service of the residents of the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home. The Friends of the North End, members Read More…


Friends of the North End Hold Bocce Tourney

On Sunday morning THE FRIENDS OF THE NORTH END staged a bocce match featuring the ”Duffel Bags” against the Red Team. The Red Team made up of Gus Pesaturo, Vito Aluia, Sam Viscione Joe Testa and Victor Passacantilli soundly defeated The ”Duffel Bags and claimed the championship for this summer’s day  tournament. The consolation prize Read More…

Community People Sports

Friends of the North End Bocce Alive and Well in Florida

On Thursday, March 5th Lucille Giganti and Victor Passacantilli represented the West End and the North End respectively in the annual Sunny Isles Beach, Florida Bocce Tournament. Players from as far away as Colorado and Michigan to as near as New York and Canada competed in the tournament. Lucille and Victor finished in 2nd place Read More…

Community People Photos & Videos

Friends of the North End (South) Celebrate 7th Annual Reunion in Florida

The Friends of the North End South celebrated their 7th annual reunion in Del Ray Beach Florida on Sunday March 1st. Seventy two North Enders convened at Coco Woods Community Center to dine and reminisce. Victor Passacantilli read his narrative on North End nicknames, Ron Fuccillo read his poem of what it was like growing up Read More…


Friends of the North End Stage Bocce Match in Appreciation of Feast of 7 Fishes Chefs

The Friends of the North End held a special bocce match at the indoor courts in the Stephen Steriti Rink on Sunday, December 21, 2014. The match was once again close with the team of Angelo Di Girolamo, Vito Aluia, Richie Delliago and Frank Julianello taking first place. Chefs Vito Aluia, Pat Reppucci, Joe Blazo, Read More…

Arts & Culture Photos & Videos

Friends of the North End Celebrate a Feast of Seven Fishes

The Friends of the North End celebrated their Christmas with a feast of 7 fishes. The sumptuous meal was prepared by Vito Aluia, Joe Blazo, Pat Reppucci and Paul Lavecchia shown pictured below. They were ably assisted by Libby Federico, Sam Viscione, Frank Marino, Joe Ferullo and expedited by Richie “Duffle Bags” Delliago. The Dabene Read More…

Community Sports

Friends of North End Winter Bocce Tournament Continues

The success of the Friends of the North End Christmas Bocce Tournament has inspired the competitors to continue playing at the indoor courts in the Stephen Steriti Memorial Rink. The spirited matches were won by team members: Victor Passacantilli, Angelo Di Girolamo, Pat Reppucci and Frank Julianello. They soundly defeated the team of Sam Viscione, Read More…


Week 3 Update From the Friends of the North End Fall Bocce Tournament

The Friends of the North End Bocce Tournament resumed play on Sunday, September 28, 2014. Charlie Marino who Commissioner Sam Viscione appointed Director of Field Services was on hand to assist caring for and grooming the courts. Charlie has for many years always had a part in helping us out and we want him to Read More…