Daily Briefs

Weekend Brief: St. Anthony’s Procession Friday Night, Father’s Day Weekend

Today is Friday, June 14 and if you enjoy working to enhance public access to the Harbor while protecting the region from the increasing risks and impacts of climate change, then Boston Harbor Now may just have the perfect job for you, read more about their new Director of Policy position here.

Here’s what you need to know for this weekend…

6:00PM St. Anthony’s Procession – [This was postponed from Thursday night due to rain.]
Candlelit procession through the streets of the North End led by the majestic wood carved statue of Saint Anthony. The procession will include the Franciscan Friars, Devotees and the Italian-American Band. Starts at St. Leonard Church. See the flyer.

6:30AM Summer Fitness Series: Bootcamp. Stop by Christopher Columbus Park for the summer fitness series. This morning’s class will be Bootcamp, see additional details and the full class schedule here.

1:00PM Films: An Affair to Remember at the North End Library. Stop by 25 Parmenter Street for the Friday Film series featuring women’s pictures: when women ruled the movie box office. This week’s film will be An affair to Remember (1957), see additional details here.

Notable News:

Father’s Day done your way

Father’s Day is this upcoming Sunday and what better way to celebrate Dad than a fun-filled day in the city. The Boston Globe has pulled a list of things to do around the city that will suit all types of fathers and their families, read more here.

Local Craftsmanship:


Plan your events with the Community Calendar:

Saturday, June 15

10:00AM Walking Tour of the East Boston Harborwalk. Discover the crucial role the waterfront played in shaping East Boston’s rich maritime history and proud immigrant heritage and consider the challenges and opportunities its waterfront berth creates for the future, all while enjoying fascinating stories, stunning parks and spectacular views of Boston, see additional information here.

10:00AM Watercolor in the Park at Christopher Columbus Park. Budding artists ages nine and up are invited to join the Boston Parks and Recreation Department at the Rose Garden in Christopher Columbus Park for its popular summer series of ParkARTS Watercolor Painting Workshops.

10:30AM Piccoli Lettori – Italian Reading Group for Little Ones. Join I AM Book at 189 North Street for its Italian reading group for little ones. Children ages 0-4 and their parents are invited to engage in multiple readings and games for a fun morning of Italian language and learning.

5:00PM St. Anthony’s Feast – Centennial Mass & Open House. Join Saint Leonard Church at Hanover and Price Streets for St. Anthony’s Feast Centennial Mass and Open House. For more information contact committee@stanthonysfeast.com.

6:00PM Federica Fabbiana – Zapping di una Femminista Seriale. Join I AM Books at 189 North Street for an event in Italian. È giunto il tempo di archiviare Carrie Bradshaw e le sue scorribande newyorkesi, ancora completamente inscritte in un paradigma eternormato, per concentrare l’attenzione sulle protagoniste di alcune serie tv, che sottolineano con audacia e realismo i temi e le istanze del movimento delle donne ancora prepotentemente all’ordine del giorno. L’autrice analizza le produzioni seriali televisive che stanno rivoluzionando in senso femminista i palinsesti offrendo alle donne ruoli non appiattiti sulla visione maschile del mondo e in grado di tracciare percorsi imprevisti al confine tra reale e immaginario.

Sunday, June 16

Father’s Day

4:00PM NEMPAC Opera in the Park. The North End Music & Performing Arts Center (NEMPAC) has announced that Opera in the Park: “A Celebration of Eight Years of NEMPAC Opera Project” will return to Christopher Columbus Park. This free family-friendly event is sponsored by Friends of Christopher Columbus Park, see additional details here.

From the Community:

Summer Hours for BCYF Nazzaro Center

The BCYF Nazzaro Center will be changing its hours of operation during the summer months due to staffing issues as well as the operational needs of the Mirabella Pool, continue reading.

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Keep up with what’s happening on the Events Calendar.

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