Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at 311.boston.gov.
Homeless Camp at Atlantic Avenue Playground
“Homeless camp in children’s playground.”
The original 311 post can be found here. This case was submitted and opened on March 11th, 2018. It was closed on March 12th, 2018 with the following message: “Closed with status: Case Resolved. area cleaned up.”
Moon Street Plowing
“Plow left a large mound of snow in the middle of Moon Street in the North End. Moon is a one way residential street from North Square to Fleet Street. Residential parking is allowed on the left hand side of the street. The large snow mound was left on the right hand side of the street which is the traffic travel side. When cars are legally parked on the left side, road traffic is not possible due to the snow mound. The mound should be moved as it poses a safety hazard if emergency vehicles had to pass. See photo looking up Moon St., (it was taken from the Fleet Street side).”
The original 311 post can be found here. This case was submitted and opened on March 14th, 2018. It was closed on March 14th, 2018 with the following message: “Closed with status: Case Resolved”
Land Rover Parks Illegally in North Square

“Restaurant owner and valet illegally parked in TOW ZONE north square. Again.”
“Land Rover parked illegally AGAIN in north square. Had to have cab pull in cross walk to have handicapped resident get out.”
“Illegally parked all day again. in the middle of the road north square.”
The original 311 posts can be found here, here, and here. These cases are linked and quoted in order of their submissions. This case was originally submitted and opened on March 3rd, 2018. The latest post closed on March 9th, 2018 with the following message: “Closed with status: Case Noted. area checked.”
Remember, to report a claim with 311, you can call 311, go to the 311 website, tweet at 311, or download the app. What do you think about these 311 cases? Follow our “What’s The 311?” tag to see past week’s postings!
Good luck to whomever posted the parking issue.
Bts is WELL aware of the illegal parking in north square… one might even say it is WELL noted.
Priorities 1-8 for btd’s is street cleaning.
Moon St has still not been plowed as of 830 am, Friday. How was that listed as closed???
People have nothing better to do than take pictures of illegally parked cars? Go to work!
and let some self-entitled person think he or she owns the street? no thanks.
If the BPD did their job people would not have to take pictures of illegally parked vehicles.
They may have more important issues to deal with than the north square parking bandits
Thats part of their job.
How long does it take to write out a ticket?
isnt that what meter maids are for? Might only take a couple minutes to give a ticket to one car but but how long will it take for them to respond to everyone’s parking violations? People blame the police for everything.