
Globe Recounts Culture Clash Surrounding North End’s Pinkberry Saga

Special! Special! Read all about it!

After 3 years, Pinkberry has closed on Hanover Street despite a 10-year lease at the location. (NEWF photo)

Check out today’s front page story in the Boston Globe by Meghan Irons regarding the recent closing of Pinkberry on Hanover Street in Boston’s North End.

Pinkberry never stood a chance in Boston’s Little Italy. As resistance mounted, its windows were smashed shortly before its opening, workers and residents clashed, and a man in a ski mask was seen on surveillance video dumping trash on the frozen yogurt chain’s front doorstep.

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Pinkberry’s windows were smashed shortly before it opened at 285 Hanover Street (Photo by Robert Skole)

The story has all the dramatic elements with a chain franchise overlord, neighborhood retribution and the high rent struggles that have come with gentrification and the tourist saturation of the North End. Interesting, the lease was for 10 years and the Pinkberry franchise is 6 months behind in its rent to the Carsaro family that owns the building. Until the financial dispute is resolved, the store could stay empty for a long while.

We’re thankful the Globe took the time to mention as chronicling the chain’s opening and closing saga. See our other posts on the Pinkberry saga here.