North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council
Monday, September 12, 2016, 7:00PM
Nazzaro Center, 30 North Bennet Street
1. Welcome: NEWNC President
2. Call to Order & Roll Call: NEWNC President
3. Meeting Protocol: NEWNC Vice President
4. President’s Report: NEWNC President
5. Committee Reports:
Resident Parking/Traffic Committee, Danielle D’Ambrosio
Public Safety Committee, Sean Hennessey
Greenway Committee, Lucas Cowan, Public Art Curator, Greenway
6. Reports from the Offices of Local Elected Officials
a. City Councilor Sal LaMattina
7. 10 Moon Street. Frank and Gloria Giammanco applied to the ZBA to extend the living space in the building by converting part of the basement into living space. Currently the first floor includes a kitchen, living room, bedroom and bath. The proposal would include a first floor living room, dining room, kitchen and bath; and the basement will include a master bedroom, master bath, two large closets and a utility room.
8. 278-284 North Street. Petitioner Joseph Boccelli seeks to change the legal occupancy to reflect the existing condition: from a four family (4) residential dwelling and one (1) commercial space to a seventeen (17) family residential dwelling and two (2) commercial spaces. No changes to the existing occupancy are proposed. Daniel Toscano, Esq., representing Petitioner.
9. Battery Wharf Hotel. Westmont Hospitality seeking to (1) obtain zoning relief in the transfer of entertainment license to reflect current ownership and, (2) get their Certificate of Occupancy changed to list “live music.” The hotel and restaurant operations will not change and the Leader’s Lounge will NOT be the subject of any live entertainment application or covered by any permit for the same.
10. Community Chat: Cycle track and traffic patterns. Kay Bernard-Smith, Project Manager, Connect Historic Boston
I think the entertainment at the Hotel is a great idea. We have no entertainment in the immediate area of the No. End/Waterfront.
The great thing about this is the entertainment does not conflict with any of their Neighbors. The closest entertainment is
down the Seaport area & most people don’t want to walk down to that location.
There is actually a huge residential building next door at Lincoln Wharf plus hundreds of people living at Burroughs and Battery Wharf. This is inside the hotel so it’s fine, but how insulting are you to not consider anyone other than yourself.