
City Councilor Sal LaMattina and Greenway Conservancy Talk to Neighborhood Council

The North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council held their monthly meeting at the Nazzaro Center on Monday night, where they went through community updates and reports from the Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy, and Boston City Councilor Sal LaMattina.

A video timeline is provided below so you can jump to issues of interest:

(00:00 in video) Welcome and Roll Call by NEWNC President John Pregmon

(00:43) Meeting Protocol by NEWNC Vice President Carmine Guarino

(01:22) President’s Report by NEWNC President John Pregmon

  • NEAD Pride Day will be this Saturday [12pm -4pm]
  • October Meeting for NEWNC will be held on October 3rd, due to Columbus Day being Monday October 10th.

(02:15) Resident Parking/Traffic Committee, Danielle D’Ambrosio

  • The North End will be launching a pilot parking program modeled after the Fenway neighborhood. Adjusting the amount of parked violations to be ticketed at $100, rather than $40.

(03:03) Public Safety Committee, Sean Hennessey

(04:20) Rose Greenway Greenway Conservancy

  • End of year programming events.
  • Public Art change to Dewey Square wall – look for press release within the next two weeks.
  • New public art installation to be put on Parcel 10 in 2017.

(14:30) Update on North End Nursing Home Steering Committee, Philip Frattaroli 

  • Consulting with legal professionals, meeting with local officials and reviewing the land disposition that mandates the property to be used for a Nursing Home.

(19:30) Reports from City Councilor Sal LaMattina

  • Nursing home updates, Councilor LaMattina expresses his support for keeping a nursing home in the North End neighborhood.
  • (24:32) Public safety support – expressing the need for folks to call 911 for incidents in the neighborhood.
  • (26:10) Renovations to be made to the Paul Revere Mall (Prado).
  • (26:44) Water transportation to connect Charlestown, the North End and East Boston through ferry services in the Harbor.
  • (32:45) Cycle track concerns, potholes, sidewalk, and crosswalk maintenance.

See the Events Calendar for all neighborhood meetings.