The following report is from this week’s District A-1 Boston Police blotter.
Robbery/City Code Enforcement Violation
08/27/16 ~ 9:57am
During the St. Anthony’s Feast, a known male suspect was operating a refreshment stand at Salem Street and Prince Street. At this time, a City of Boston Code Enforcement officer came by and ordered the stand to be shut down due to improper permits. The suspect became extremely irate at the officer, took officer’s cell phone and smashed it, stole his city issued radio and barcode printer. The suspect then fled on foot. Detectives are following up.
08/27/16 ~ 10:24pm
Police Officers patrolling the Commercial Street area during the St. Anthony’s Feast came upon a large group they attempted to disperse. The group ran up Charter Street and down Foster Street. At this time a male suspect was confronted on Foster Street while drinking alcohol and was in possession of cans of malt beverage (beer). The suspect was acting in a disorderly manner and was placed under arrest for disorderly person, trespassing, liquor law violations (minor), counterfeit/forged license and possession of a weapon (knife).
Violation – Auto Laws
08/28/16 ~ 6:08pm
A male suspect was arrested on Clark Street and was operating a moving truck blocking the street. Police Officers responded and originally had the truck moved, the moving truck returned and the operator refused to move the truck and was arrested for failure to submit license and registration to the officer.
Larceny (bike)
08/30/16 ~ 11:30am
Victim reports he locked his Marin mountain bike to a city light pole on Salem Street, when the victim returned to retrieve his bike it was stolen.
08/20/16 ~ 5:30pm
Victim reports that an unknown person stole her purse from the Farmer’s Market on Hanover Street. The victim stated the purse contained U.S. currency, bank/credit cards and personal papers.
The 8/27 disorderly was pretty large on Commercial street, several cars had their hoods caved in, Just saying.
The Police have been neglecting the No. End for years, nothing would surprise me. It seems like there always has to be
something drastic before they come to attention. What a Shame.