
RUFF and Friends Break The Bank

(from left to right) Quinn, Leslie, Paula Warchol, Maria, Jackson, Dave, and Sarah Lawler
(from left to right) Quinn, Leslie, Paula Warchol, Maria, Jackson, Dave, and TD Bank’s Sarah Lawler
(from left to right) Dave, Leslie, Jeff Guillaume, Sarah Lawler (in middle) Jackson
Ruff Founders & TD Bank Branch Managers(from left to right) Dave, Leslie, Jeff Guillaume, Sarah Lawler (in middle) Jackson

RUFF and friends broke the bank on Friday, February 26th. TD Bank hosted the Bring Change event in order to raise money for RUFF, Responsible Urbanites for Fido, to continue their mission of building a permanent off-the-leash dog park in Boston’s North End at the Gassy Flights.

TD Bank, on 1 Union Street, was filled with puppies and dog lovers of all kinds, from 8 am right up until last minute donators came running in at 4 pm. The dogs had a lovely day of eating treats, posing for cameras, and having masterpieces of themselves drawn by the ever popular TD Bank caricature artist.

Jackson posing for his caricature portrait
Jackson posing for his caricature portrait

“We’re doing this to bring in artificial turf, water supplies – all the good stuff.” RUFF member Maria explained.

Amongst all the fun, people with pockets full of spare change used the Penny Arcade to put their money to a good cause in which North End pups will be able to play freely in the new off-leash park.

North End residents Maria aside dogs Willow and Sage
North End residents Maria aside dogs Willow and Sage

Founders Leslie and Dave, along with RUFF member Maria set a $2,000 goal on Friday.

Excited RUFF members with an equally excited TD BANK staff exchanged hugs and high-fives, as spirits throughout the bank were through the roof. They exceeded their goal racking up a whopping $2,309.

Leslie and spokespup Quinn posing in front of TD Bank’s Penny Arcade
Leslie and spokespup Quinn posing   in front of TD Bank’s Penny Arcade

“It is awesome to be able to help an organization that’s part of the neighborhood,” Jeff Guillaume, TD Bank Store Manager proudly says,” and we’re part of the neighborhood.”

With the event being so busy all day, it was bound to be a success.

“It was such a fun day.” Leslie gleamed, “a lot of lovely people, a lot of great donations.”

RUFF members are one step closer to building the park every dog dreams about due to their passion and the help of TD Bank Bring Change. It just goes to show, a little change can go a long way.

3 Replies to “RUFF and Friends Break The Bank

  1. Really amazing to watch this happening from afar. When this group popped up, I was thrilled to learn of the effort. To see the amazing progress and plans for a doggie park at the Gassy is a great addition to my extra day of this leap year!

  2. The RUFF organization should be applauded by all not just dog owners.They talk the talk & walk the walk while most of us gripe about issues & problems but do nothing to solve them.

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