A request for a roof deck expansion at 536 Commercial Street went before the two neighborhood groups this week. A supportive vote of 5-1 came from the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) while the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) deferred voting pending negotiations with an abutter.
Owner Alison Bonney has applied to the Boston Zoning Board of Appeal to remove a proviso on the property that an existing roof deck not exceed 150 square feet, to increase the space to approximately 367 square feet.
The original roof deck at 536 Commercial Street came before the neighborhood in 2012 as part of a single-family renovation. At the time, NEWRA opposed the roof deck while NEWNC did not vote on that request. The ZBA later approved only a 150 s.f. roof deck. Shortly thereafter, the previous owner put the building on the market. Current owners, the Bonney’s, have been living at the residence for the past two years.
Much of the debate surrounds an abutter who has been negotiating with the applicant regarding his privacy related to windows that face the roof deck.
View the two meeting videos (NEWNC above, NEWRA below). The neighborhood groups are advisory to the ZBA who will make the final determination.