Tote Bag Design Contest!!!
Eligible Participants: Kids ages 6 – 13 years old are invited to submit a design for the Friends of the North End Library Branch’s first Tote Bag Design Contest!
Theme: Let your imagination run wild! As long as it is has a library, North End, or literary theme, feel free to be as creative as you’d like!
Size and Quality: Contestants can use the attached 8” x 10” sheet of paper to submit their design, but designs may go up to 14″ wide x 10.5″ high. May be done by hand or on a computer. ONE color only, not necessarily black, but dark.
1st Place: $40 iTunes or Amazon Gift Card and a Tote Bag with YOUR design on it!
2nd Place: $20 iTunes or Amazon Gift Card and a Tote Bag
3rd Place: $10 iTunes or Amazon Gift Card and a Tote Bag
To enter, please submit the attached sheet with your design
to Miss Jennifer by Tuesday, March 10th.
Write your full name, address, and phone # on the BACK of the design
Good Luck!
The Friends of the North End Branch Library
P.O. Box 130197, Boston, MA 02113